How would you show off an Apple III?

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New Tinkerer
Oct 30, 2021
Hi all,

As I mentioned over in the Events thread, my family and I are hosting some free public RetroComputing / RetroGaming events this month. Two of these events are focused on Apple and related companies, and one of the "crown jewels" we're exhibiting is our fully-restored Apple III. The Apple III doesn't get much love these days - it's rarely mentioned, other than popping up in clickbait articles and videos about "ApPle'S bIgGesT fAIls!!", but I sincerely admire what Apple accomplished with this system, warts and all.

Here's the question: the Apple III was a hardcore business machine, and its "killer apps" were things like VisiCalc and various word processors - historically significant, but not super interesting to most lay-people today. Other than just putting it into Apple II-emulation-mode, are there any Apple III-native apps / games / demos that might make for a more compelling introductory experience while showing off the Apple III to the public?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!


PS Here's a "glamour shot" of our Apple III :cool:

Apple III with Level29 BBS.jpg
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