I'm hosting three Retro events in the San Francisco Bay Area this month!

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.


New Tinkerer
Oct 30, 2021
Hi everyone! Wanted to share these events, which are shaping up to be really fun and informative for everyone. We're hard at work restoring a ton of rare and fascinating vintage computers and gaming consoles - we're excited to share them all with you! :)

Here's a quick summary of our March event schedule:

"Tales From The Orchard: Innovations Inspired and Influenced by Apple"
  • Embark on an interactive journey through the history of Apple and several notable spin-off companies, with a special focus on their most intriguing, influential, and overlooked products. Following the presentation, immerse yourself in a hands-on experience with a variety of functional vintage computers, including classic Apple II and Macintosh systems, a stunning NeXT Cube, an ultra-rare BeBox, General Magic devices, and more.
    • First showing: Cupertino Library | March 15th | 2pm-5pm | Details here
    • Second showing: Milpitas Library | March 30th | 2pm-5pm | Details here

"Mario Through The Ages: Explore Video Game History With Nintendo's Famous Mascot!"
  • First, delve into an interactive presentation tracing the evolution of video game art and science through the lens of Nintendo’s iconic “Mario” character. Next, immerse yourself in a nostalgic gaming experience, as you explore a range of classic video game consoles featuring nearly five decades of Mario-centric games.
    • Morgan Hill Public Library | March 22nd | 2pm-5pm | Details here

Here's our new-and-improved website, if you're curious what we're all about. That's it for now - we hope to see some of you in person at our events!

  • Wow
Reactions: phunguss