CodeWarrior I’m losing my mind trying to get this to compile


New Tinkerer
Oct 13, 2021
Hi everyone!

I have been trying to get Jabbernaut, a Jabber/XMPP client to compile using CodeWarrior 6 (which seems to be what the original project is make with) to no avail. I was wondering if someone here could help me out with trying to get it to compile. I uploaded a .sit file to Macintosh Garden with the sources and the dependencies. They can be found here: (Jabbernaut_src_with_deps.sit):

I’m getting errors for missing libs and headers that are in all the correct paths. I at least THINK I configured it correctly. CodeWarrior behaves nothing like I expect it to. Needle in a haystack type of issue for the incompetent (me). All the dependencies are there and they are in the correct paths for the project. It still complains about missing headers and whatnot and I’m running out of ideas. I feel like someone with experience with CodeWarrior needs to take a look at the project and point me in the right direction.

I have been porting stuff between different Unix derivatives for the past 10 years or so and I’m familiar with the typical *nix tool chain, but this is more or less black magic for me. Any pointers to help me get the project moving in the right direction would me very much appreciated!


New Tinkerer
Oct 13, 2021
It's really still 3000+ errors and I don't know where to even start. I get errors on missing headers when they clearly are in my access paths etc.
It's a hard piece of software to wrap my head around when I come from a more "classic" *nix environment coding wise. I check paths, I check dependencies and CW can find all the files, none seem to be missing from what I can see and I'm still getting insane amounts of errors.


New Tinkerer
Mar 14, 2023
CodeWarrior and its error messages... it's not great.

I'm far from an expert, but I recently set up a CW5 project to compile a simple example project for the MacZoop application framework. I had no paths set correctly or anything. It also started with many thousands of error messages, but it turned out in most cases that it would run into some error (like a missing definition), and keep going but get horribly confused by that first thing and misinterpret the rest of the file and just throw hundreds of errors that was only one actual problem.

It's hard to provide help when you don't give any concrete examples, but my advice would be to look at the very first error message and focus on that. That's how I got my thing to compile, anyway.