Let's play Archon on a real Macintosh Plus (1986) - nail biter endgame!


Active Tinkerer
Oct 29, 2021
Archon (1986) from Freefall Associates and Electronic Arts
One of my absolute favorite games on Macs - my brother and me used to play this a lot in hotseat back in the day. I used light side with the mouse and he played with the keyboard with dark side. Always.

This game carried heavy copy protection and there were no known working disk image on the web working in an emulator until 2010 - back in 2004-2005, I was frantically searching for that, unsuccessfully. However, I could always use my physical diskette copied with CopyIIMac from an original disk back, made back in the 80's.
Because of its delayed apparition and relative obscurity of this port, my playthrough captured by RGB2HDMI from a real Mac Plus is pretty much the only footage that I could find of this specific port on youtube. The C64 and Apple II versions are of course, much more known.

The game used page flipping by using hard coded video ram addresses specific to the 512k and Plus, breaking Apple rules on future compatibility. For more info on its optimisations which made it so fluid and arcade-speed like, check its page on Mac Garden: https://macintoshgarden.org/.../archon-the-light-and-the...
