Mac Mod Paradise is about to die - who can save it?

I started out the Mac Mod Paradise ( together with a friend about 10 months ago. The idea was that Macintosh hardware modding gets good coverage (TD being the king, of course :) ) but we felt there was very little about software modding. In particular, game modding for 68k & PowerPC Macs.

Our aim was to provide a dedicated resource for people to learn more about modding their favorite games, offer a selection of the best mods per game for download and possibly motivating people to create new mods today - all from the very hardware we love.

The problem is that my friend had to drop out and I'm just very busy with my other projects Cornica and the Cheat Emporium. In short, I need to focus. I need to let it go.

I could just pull the plug and take it offline. But given it's a ready & set-up retro project with a great mission, I hope that maybe one of you guys would like to continue the project with their own handwriting.

About the project:
  • The page uses a hand-coded HTML 3.2 design. You can browse the page with e.g. Netscape 4 from your old Performa and download stuff.

  • The page uses a simple flat-file CMS for content management, which works reasonably well even on Classilla in Mac OS9. So this is a hobby project you can actually do from your old iMac G3 and feel like it's 1999 again :cool:

  • The page doesn't have much content yet, however, there's a huge amount of game mod files / modding info (4,5 GB) sitting on our FTP server waiting to be tested, curated and possibly added to the website. Some rare stuff among it. Took us many months of searching to assemble it.

  • Hosting of the mod files itself has been supported by the generous MacGarden and I'm sure that if @fogWraith is asked, he'll consider to continue to support it.

I'm willing to transfer the whole Mac Mod Paradise package, including the domain to somebody willing to carry the torch.

Is there anyone here who'd be interested?

(thanks to Kai Robinson for allowing me to post)
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