Mac OS 8.5.1 - Applications recovered on UDF?


New Tinkerer
Sep 15, 2022
Hi All! I was recommended to join and ask you all by some reddit users and Joe, regarding a SyQuest Disk recovery I had attempted and see if there's any suggests on making this initial recovery work or if I should send them somewhere else.

I have a 8.5.1 Mac OS and an external SyQuest disk containing mostly old applications. I sent it off to be recovered and when I received the recovery CD back from them it was in UDF with the files split into two parts the resource forks seemed to be split and started with ._ with a modern date and then the unusable main files portions with the original dates. I haven't had any success using the CD on the old Mac, were these recovered correctly and I just need to do some steps to make them work? Or are they lost and I need to pursue another recovery method?

I have a screenshot here. -

Let me know if there’s anything else I can provide to help get the answers!


New Tinkerer
Sep 15, 2022