Macintosh IIci / IIcx speaker adapter

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Active Tinkerer
Oct 30, 2021
Fort Mill, SC
I had two of my four Mac IIc* machines have bad speakers. And the speakers in them are off, rectangular shaped speakers. I also had a bad speaker in my Mac II (which made me think for the longest time I wasn't getting a boot chime or sad Mac chimes) and found a decent replacement on Amazon. I found these 32 Ohm 0.5W speakers that were smaller than the originals: So I built a little adapter to make it fit for the original Mac II speaker.

With the rectangular shape of the Iici/IIcx speaker, I needed a new adapter, so I whipped this up in TinkerCad. The original speaker friction fit with the rear bump out behind the cone, but the new one doesn't have that. So I just made it fit inside the bracket, and taped the adapter in place. Non-destructive, and effective for something that will likely never be seen.


You can find the 3d files here:

But also attached to this post.


  • Mac IIci IIcx Speaker
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