Macintosh LC III with BlueSCSI not booting unless I reset the PRAM

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New Tinkerer
Feb 1, 2025
I am unable to find anyone with this issue. I recently got a MacBatt, popped it in, everything seemed fine, the BlueSCSI and LC III are working great, but ever time I powercycle or reboot, I get the question mark on a floppy icon. After much troubleshooting, I am able to get the LC III to boot, but I have to reset the PRAM. I press Control-Apple-Power On to restart and then press the Apple-Option-P-R keys to reset the PRAM and then it boots! Anyone else experience this?

I tested the voltages on everything and the BlueSCSI is good. On the Berg connector I'm getting 12v and 5v and on the power jumper, I'm getting 4v. In the log file, it does note the Pico's power is 3.2+ volts, but that seemingly wasn't a problem before. The CR2032 is providing 3v when I probe the battery compartment terminals with the MacBatt installed (to ensure it is actually making contact with the terminals). Before the MacBatt was installed, naturally it retained its PRAM settings between reboots and had no problems rebooting into Mac OS, but with the MacBatt, it needs its PRAM reset between reboots. It doesn't make any sense. I also suspected that maybe there's something weird happening when it is connected to my APC UPS, but when I take it off of that, no change in behavior. I'm stumped.


New Tinkerer
Feb 1, 2025
Yes, I should have included that. Both the motherboard and PSU have been recapped. I have also modded it to be an LC III+ running at 33Mhz.

UPDATE: I kept picking at it. I even used Snooper to test the PRAM--no problems found. Something about the SCSI Bus numbering bothered me. I saw where the internal HD was usually ID 0. I changed my boot .hda to HD0 and now it all works as expected. ??? I'm confused, yet happy. I've shutdown and turned it back on and it works as expected!
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New Tinkerer
Feb 1, 2025
Thanks, the weird thing is that it was working on HD1, but that's before I installed the MacBatt. I wonder if once the PRAM is reset, the Mac does more probing for a boot drive. I don't know why it then wouldn't have retained that information since it could now.