ThinkC MacPPP CDEV/INIT source code

Relating to ThinkC Development


New Tinkerer
Oct 6, 2022
I have been playing for the last couple days with an ESP8266 running The old Net PPP to make a slow/cheap IP link for my Mac Plus. I want to have system 6 on the internet to ftp file from/to the mac, and I was reading some howtos and some problems related to older versions on MacPPP. It seems that it's source code was released back in the 90's, but I could not find any more reference until I stumbled upon it on an old ftp server.
I don't know if somebody is interested, but I think it is cool to have since it shows how to interface with MacTCP and can probably be used to modify the software itself if there are problems. I found versions 1.1.3 and 2.0.1 (which is the last release?), they both contain a THINK C project. I Could compile 2.0.1 but 1.1.3 fails (needs an older version of THINK C?). I'm leaving here the link if anybody is interested too:
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