Member Bio - Angelo Malaquias (Genjoke)


Oct 31, 2021
Brazil - Rio de Janeiro - Flamengo
Brazilian biomedical resercher/professor. I was introduced to computers in 1984 (aged 13) when I got a //e clone for Xmas. I've been a mac user since then. As a hoarder that I am I kept almost every Mac I owned since then.

Now, with the retrocomputing scene getting cool I decided to revive my old machines (some beyond repair - RIP PowerBook Duo 2300). I pulled everything out of storage and I am lerning how to solder and tinker!

Being in South America poses some obstacles, as items are not common here, and when they do show up the prices are surreal.

Beyond Apple, I would love to own and start "playing" with other 80s Brazilian clones! There are plenty, ranging from Z80s to CoCos!

I hope to be able to learn and contribute!