Member Bio - displaced (Chris)


Nov 2, 2021
Kent, United Kingdom
Hello! Well, that’s amazing timing!

I picked up my first Compact Mac (an SE) a couple of weeks ago, having obsessively watched JDW and Branchus’ YT videos.

They were my first proper step into the retro Mac scene and then I see this forum’s been launched? Superb!

I’m a Brit who grew up in the early 80s, so cut my teeth on machines like the Acorn Electron, BBC Model B and Atari ST.

A few years ago, I got interested in restoring and upgrading my old computers to make them as good as they can be. At first, I saw it as a bit of fun nostalgia and a good way of improving my hardware skills. I honestly expected to stop at fixing the old machines I already had…

…but then, somehow, a collection has formed! I’ve got really into exploring how machines I could never have dreamt of owning work. All those ideas from the early days of home computing that either died with the machine or stuck around and became part of ‘that’s just how computers work’ even today.

I have a bunch of systems - my original Ataris (STFM, Falcon030, Lynx Mk.1, Jaguar, Portfolio) plus some more recent restorations (STE, Mega STE, XEGS). A few Commodores (VIC-20, C64C, CDTV). And a few Acorns (BBC Model B, Electron, Archimedes A3020). Plus, that little Macintosh SE I got working this week!

Very pleased to be here and look forward to seeing what it becomes. Will lend a hand wherever I can!


Nov 2, 2021
Kent, United Kingdom
(thought I’d also answer the bio questions that others have posted!)

Age: 41. Not quite sure how that happened!
Height: Too tall. Hit my head on things often, and look especially hilarious when I fall over!
Beard: Full, varies between neat and dishevelled. Ginger, but increasingly white.
First Mac: Slot-loading iMac G3
Favorite Macs: Always loved the 68K Compacts, and finally have one!
Favorite Apple App: Chooser. No, I kid, I kid!
Most Preferred Mac OS:
OS9 was my intro to the Mac, alongside 10.0.3. I do love the early OS X versions purely because you could see the potential gradually being realised.
Strengths: Reasonably good at taking a little knowledge and applying it well. Keen awareness of where my knowledge ends and the guessing starts though :)
Weaknesses: I’m another frustratingly poor guitarist (well, bass player), and I need to get better at surface-mount soldering!
Favorite Classic Mac Game: Played a lot of Dark Castle recently!
Windows PCs: Just the one desktop, a Ryzen build in a tidy little mATX case.
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