Member bio - Garth Beagle

Garth Beagle

Oct 28, 2021
Age: 48
Beard: Yes
Height: 178cm
Weight: About 12st
First computer: Apple IIc
First Apple: Apple IIc
First Mac: Quadra 630
First Power Macintosh: Power Macintosh 8500
Favourite Mac: Quadra 605
Favourite B&W Game: Trinity (Apple II)
Preferred Mac OS: (depending on Mac) System 7.1, Mac OS X Tiger, Mac OS X SnowLeopard
Favourite Apple App: Radar
Favourite Movie: The one with the jewel theif
Preferred spelling of “colour”: Colour
Favourite Classic Mac Game: Monopoly
Other Vintage Macs: A few - Colour Classic, IIci, Q700, P578, Q650, SE/30, Q950, Performa 6220CD (wow!), TAM, PM4400, PM9600, PM G3 Tower, PM G4 MDD, PB540c, PB2400c, iMac
Other Vintage PCs: C64c, Amiga 500
Windows PCs: My first PC (at least it’s motherboard) and my current gaming PC
Star Trek Fan?: Yes! Though I admit I just started watching DS9
Skills: Soldering, cleaning, stacking
Strengths: Accounts
Weaknesses: I plan too much as I care too much

Hey everyone! I'm not on here often enough, but thought I'd at least fill out the compulsory bio 😀

I've gotten back into retro/vintage/old computers again in the past few years and have learned a lot from many of you on here, via other places and I thank you much for that. I worked at Apple for over 20 years and feel as if all I've done is work that during that time, so happy to be catching up on all this legacy stuff hahaa

Anyway, here's a stack o' Macs!

stack o macs.jpeg