My Macintosh LC Has Normal Volume Error Chimes, All Other Sounds Are Quiet


TinkerDifferent Board DoP&G
Staff member
Oct 28, 2021
Central Virginia
My Macintosh LC had me stumped. This started as a simple chip swap to replace a dead DFAC chip. Now that I’ve done that, I am now having sound volume issues:
The startup chime is quiet. System sounds are quiet, even when I set the volume to 7 in the Control Panel. The sound is quiet from both the internal and external speakers…
However, the chimes of death are at normal volume.
I see that there are two different sound inputs to the DFAC: one from the ASIC and one from the Egret. It’s one of these two responsible for the chimes of death, and the other responsible for all other sounds? This might help me narrow down the cause of my sound volume issues…

jack 68k

New Tinkerer
Oct 30, 2021
Madison, Wisconsin
Very interesting, I have a IIci board that has a similar but not identical condition. The startup chime is much quieter than my other IIci boards. That's true of a cold boot just after power on and after a warm reset. But all other sounds, such as alert sounds, are the expected volume level. I compared to a "good" IIci by recording what's coming from the headphone jack in to Logic.

My first thought was the ROMs, but I checked and they're identical to other boards. I considered that it could be a capacitor issue (even though it's recapped), but I'm not sure that's it either since it happens after a warm reset. Maybe it could be a bridged connection somewhere that is problematic when the sound chip is reset? But it's both the left and right channels. I've been meaning to swap the sound chips with another board, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.
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