My Portable fun this week


Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
Northfield, MN USA
Have completed the recap of a backlit Portable.

The machine boots, sound is good, screen is good, etc. Boots from external SCSI drive.

The issue I'm having is no matter what the application or text box, whenever I type more than 3-4 characters on the keyboard, it either drops to the ROM monitor(?) box ">" or there's a system error "stack collision with heap".

The steps I'm going to take on this are below. If there are other suggestions I'm all ears!

Double check cap work, especially those caps right below the left keyboard/mouse connector.

Swap keyboard to the other connector, swap connector cables, etc. to see if it's that port or the cable.

Substitute a keyboard from my other Portable to see if the keyboard is bad.

Do a completely fresh OS install on a new drive to see if it's some kind of software issue - currently using 6.0.8 with 2MB of RAM in the machine.

Anything else to try?