My very first NeXTStation


Staff member
Sep 2, 2021

I was working on a NeXT BlueSCSI Toolbox app (via the Previous emulator) for a while but ran into issues where I couldn't tell if it was the emulator, me, or my code and it was getting a bit troublesome to debug further.

Luckily a kind soul @JdM74 reached out to me and offered to find and ship me all the parts I needed to get a NeXTStation up and running!

It's a NeXTStation with a NuBox to replace the soundbox for audio and adb, Y cable for VGA. 128MB of RAM.

I'm a noob at NeXT so this is just a thread to capture what I've learned on the way and maybe some info to help the next person who's thinking about getting a NeXT.

I Installed a BlueSCSI v2 of course and worked instantly, but the NeXTStation has an odd way to physically mount the HDD right on the motherboard. I found an existing model and remixed it to allow for any BlueSCSI v2 to work.


I had an issue with the mouse - kept drifting and moving by itself. Was reading and saw maybe resetting the PRAM battery would help, but in resetting the PRAM I had to boot into monitor mode to set the boot device to the drive instead of the (default) network. Everywhere online says to use Command + tilde right after the self test, but it's actually left alt, + command + tilde!

That didn't fix the issue so I opened the mouse up, cleaned it, hooked it back up and it worked! sometimes. After some fiddling it seems there is a broken wire in the cable and if i hold it just right it'll work. Luckily I have a Wombat that works (oddly no Mac ADB mice will work). I should be able to repair the ADB NeXT mouse.

My next steps are to:
Configure Networking
Transfer my files from my mac to my NeXT (hopefully via ftp)
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Oct 5, 2022
Very cool!!!

Nexts are like Lisas in my mind - I want one badly, but then I wonder if I’d use it after the first hour of having it.
I’ve been looking up YouTube videos on next and nextstep and openstep because I’m befuddled by how on earth they got so much OS on a 68k machine. There isn’t much that I’ve found in this regard. Just plenty of history videos and demos new and old.
I may have to (gasp) read!