Need an Assist with a Quadro FX 4500

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New Tinkerer
Dec 18, 2022

I made a boo-boo.

I tried to flash a supposedly compatible Mac ROM onto a Nvidia Quadro FX 4500 card to use in a G5 PCIe model. It didn't work and now the card is bricked.

Does anyone in the UK have the equipment and skills to lift the ROM off the PCB and refresh it. It's an Atmel AT25F1024 128x8 ROM chip, SMT soldered. At a stretch I could probably manage the de-solder/resolder but I don't have any ROM programming gear.

Bonus points if you can test it in a PCIe G5 :)

Help appreciated.


Mar 5, 2023
How bricked is it? Do you have a PC or Intel Mac that can run DOS or Windows?
nvflash.v5.95.0.1-win can work in Windows.
Which Mac ROM did you try?
Do you have the original PC ROM?
Did you copy the soft straps and memory info from the PC ROM to the Mac ROM?
Does the Quadro FX 4500 have 256 MB or 512 MB BAR? Use pciutils to find out. Since you're using a G5 PCIe model, it shouldn't matter.
You can use the Quadro FX 4500 in some earlier Macs using a PCI to PCIe bridge. Some earlier Macs don't support 512 MB BAR but they can be patched.


New Tinkerer
Dec 18, 2022
Hey there, joevt, didn't realise you were on here too :) I'm MDBenson on macrumours, the guy you did the 64k 7800GT Mac ROM for.

i have a 'single sided' Rev A00 card, has to do with the RAM density, my card doesn't have the RAM chips on the back and the 'L' shaped heat spreader.

I used a supposed "single-sided" ROM that seemed to work for a lot of other people With the same card ass me.

i flashed it to the card using a freedos USB stick and nvflash 5.31 which was the setup I used to successfully flash your ROM to the 7800GT.

The flash went fine and looked identical to the screenshot from someone else with the same card.

the card wasn't recognised the G5 alongside my Apple OEM 7800 GT, if I install it on it's own the G5 refuses to POST/chime. I put it back in the PC board I used to flash it and nvflash no-longer recognises it.

i didn't copy any data from the PC ROM to the Mac ROM but I did use 'nvflash --save' to dump the PC ROM out before flashing.

I do realise now I missed the '-j' flag out of the nvflash command, that might have been the problem.

The ROM details are in this MR post:
Post in thread 'Flashing A Quadro FX 4500 For Power Mac G5 Compatibility'
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New Tinkerer
Jan 5, 2022
Hi to all!
I have two FX4500. One is from a MacPro Version Rev.A02 & another from PC Rev A02 (Long bracket)
Can they work on my Quad G5? If so latest firmware files?
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