New to Atari ST - 1040STF


New Tinkerer
Dec 12, 2021
Add my name to the list of Atari owners! Came across a 1040STF and a matching SC1124 color monitor locally and figured why not. I've never used one until now so I've been trying to do as much reading up on the system as I can. I've got a decent number of double sided floppies and figured I'd try getting some software onto them that way first before pulling the trigger on a Gotek. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it), the only computers I have with floppies are all Macs so it'll be interesting to see if I can copy things to the disks on a Mac and it'll work.

Going to be following @Hurry 's thread with interest since I'm in a similar position. Does anyone have any suggestions for sites or books I could read up on how to use the thing? Am I going to find myself wanting a SD adapted hard drive for this? Is a memory upgrade even worth considering?

Looking forward to trying out something new.