Pi-hole and https proxy


New Tinkerer
May 24, 2024
Is anyone running pi-hole and/or an https proxy for making vintage browsing a little more usable?

I haven't used pi-hole in quite a few years, but I'm thinking of picking up a device and giving it a try again. Maybe pfSense could do the proxy? I've never used pfSense, but I think it is powerful and free for personal use.


Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
pi-hole is a DNS server not a proxy (afaik) to block ad servers when browsing - I use AdGuard on a Pi, but same difference. These wont help you browse the retro web.

There are a few options - use a service like frogfind.com - it searches and proxies content for you.

Then there's https://github.com/rdmark/macproxy - by @rdmark - does some simple proxy and easy to setup - just a python script.

And if you want to get really advanced you can checkout WRP - it renders then sends the page over as an image, but you can still interact with it just like a real page as it adds an overlay to the image https://github.com/tenox7/wrp

Or lastly find a web ring/retro group of sites and only use them :) There's a few out there but blanking on the names at the moment.
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