This evening, I recapped my PowerBook 160 LCD, and the screen itself is working great again! The contrast slider works pretty well, too.
What isn't working reliably is the brightness potentiometer. It seems to only go between "off" and "sorta bright". I pulled out the small board with the potentiometers and flushed them with alcohol. After drying the board out with the air compressor, I reinstalled it.
In the first few seconds of the machine being powered on, it sort of works, allowing me to turn it on and off but not much more. By the time I get a happy Mac, it seems to get stuck at full brightness.
Any ideas what is going on here? Could it be the two capacitors that are on the board?
What isn't working reliably is the brightness potentiometer. It seems to only go between "off" and "sorta bright". I pulled out the small board with the potentiometers and flushed them with alcohol. After drying the board out with the air compressor, I reinstalled it.
In the first few seconds of the machine being powered on, it sort of works, allowing me to turn it on and off but not much more. By the time I get a happy Mac, it seems to get stuck at full brightness.
Any ideas what is going on here? Could it be the two capacitors that are on the board?