Programming the Cypress CY2292F Clock Generator?


Oct 25, 2021
Anyone have a chip programmer that will program the Cypress CY2292F Clock Generator?

I checked the device list for the two I have and it's not on there. Needham EMP-30. XGecu IL866II Plus.

According to the datasheet you need a Cypress CY3670 with CY3095 adapter, but those items appear to be discontinued.

The CY2292 was used by PowerLogix on at least two of their PPC upgrade cards.

I can probably duplicate the functionality with the ICS9158 of which I have a ton but I'd like to try some experiments with the 2292 first.

Specifically, I want to try replacing the components on a real PowerLogix card one at a time to confirm that hte replacements work, before jumping into a redesign with new component.

I get reminded at least once a year not to make assumptions. Before I ordered the CY2292s I now have on hand, I just assumed one of my chip programmers would support it. Silly me.

So anyone have a programmer that does support it?

Later edit: Forgot to attach the Datasheet.

2nd Edit: Looks like the Dataman or Labtool 48UXP will do the trick. Anyone have one?


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Oct 25, 2021
Never mind. It turns out the Dataman 48Pro2C will do the trick and we have one at my work.

Some days I get lucky.


Oct 25, 2021
Just following up for the sake of completeness...

The Cypress Cypress CY3670 programmer with CY3095 adapter showed up on Ebay for $25 + shipping. Needless to say, I bought it immediately. I haven't tested it yet though. It looks pristine, although the pins for one of the sockets got pretty well bent over in shipping.

Fingers crossed that the software will work with Windows XP, otherwise I'm going to have to hunt down a copy of Win 98 and hope it will install on my Dell Latitude D430.
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