Raspberry Pi Pico Logic Analyzer


Sep 23, 2021
Howdy all! I thought I'd share my adventures in logic analyzing...

A while ago, @eric shared a project that turns a Raspberry Pi Pico into a logic analyzer:

Last night I finally got around to assembling my board and trying it out. Of course, I tried it out with SCSI :cool:

Below is the hacky little adapter board I soldered to connect up the logic analyzer board. There is an optional level shifter board that is available with the project, but I didn't use it since SCSI is close enough to 3.3v. (Also because I forgot to order the ICs)


(Forgive the mess of bodge wires... I'll do a PCB someday)

Dr. Gusman made his own GUI application rather than using an existing open source one. This is good and bad.
- The good - the code is pretty well organized and looks easy to make updates. Its written in my favorite language (C#) and even has an API for doing custom protocol analyzers. Its cross-platform, easy to set-up and use and simple to use.
- The bad - Since it is a custom app, its missing a lot of the polish that I'm used to from other apps. It has limited ability to zoom out (only 200 samples at a time) and it doesn't seem to have any support for scrolling around with the mouse (just a scroll bar at the bottom)

Disclaimer: If I were doing something like this, I probably would have made my own viewer too, so I'm not questioning Dr. Gusman's approach. I'm viewing "the bad" as an opportunity to contribute to the software! Here's a screenshot of my hacked version with the ability to zoom waaaaaay out.

Overall this is a cool project, and I'm looking forward to working with it more. I'll follow up when I get a SCSI adapter PCB created.
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