Hi Eric, so far flashed to current firmware. Attached is Log File. End result is Device shows on SCSI card scans one ISA machine, one PCI machine. Neither will go past SCSI card post on boot. Used to go to OS on both machines but Adaptec Utility's said it needed to be formatted and both errored out that they couldn't format it. Still it appears to work thru adapter to DB 25 connector on camera. No files appear added to card yet count from camera changes. Note these were odd Raw files in those days and were only found thru a twain driver into a specific software. I have the PC's program and it works with another of the same cameras with a working IBM drive I stumbled upon. I wish I had Adobe Photo Shop version 3 for Mac as I have a Quadra 650 and a Powerbook 520c that both work, even if I put the Twain driver in a MAC i at best could see it in the chooser but not the raw files. My surfing for old info for early SCSI bus operation mentions that there were SCSI devices that had no address and that there was a wait period at the end of the initiators scan. These non standard devices would turnbusy true during this period and be selected. Hence things that can only have themselfs on a specikic controller card or they were never seen. These cameras had an internal Go Drive 80mb, and the db25 port. You set a SCSI address on the camera body. The camera showed as a hardware device if it was on a free address. It let a twain driver aquire the images from the software. The drive was not visable as a file. You had the option to use a Backpack Hitch Hiker drive off the DB25 port but took the files from the Hitch Hiker by hooking it to your PC or Mac as a drive. Having it hooked up to the camer nullified the camera seeing its own drive, yet not caring what SCSI ID was on the Hitch Hiker. Could this camera be acting like a controller and not giving the select to the interna drive because it saw the external first on selecting. Why I ask is the strange feature that there isn't even pins for J2 for address selection on the camera mainboard. So without a way to create a drive image with all pins not pulled low like an installed hard drive I need address "0" for my HDA file. Can this be done? Nothing worse than an old Newby huh? Thanks. I added a good text book article I found, let me know if I need to specific thingsn to share/ aknowledge sourrces all legal and stuff.