Hello, I’ve got this SE/30 that I’ve been trying to troubleshoot for quite some time now. It’s been recapped, the analog board works with a working SE/30 board. I’ve tried and swapping all the swappable chips from my good SE/30 board to my bad one, no difference. Replaced UE8, UF8 and the 31.3mhz clock crystal. When I hook it up in diagnostic mode over serial I get FFFFFFFFF000E indicating a bus error. However if I use one of the new made ROMs from Garrett’s workshop I get a happy then sad chime with the error 000000500011 in the diagnostics mode. I also of course used the rom from my working SE/30 but still produces all F’s. Not really sure where to go from here, I’m starting to suspect possibly a faulty CPU, although my next plan was to replace the 74F253 chips. Anyone have any ideas here?