Found locally (extreme patience is key!), it’s in very good shape and I only paid 10 euros for it !!!
It’s a 21 inches consumer TV (model number is KV-21C5B), with two SCART inputs (we call them Péritel in France) so it accepts RGB signals natively! Not a huge TV but its size (and weight!) is very manageable, it even has a triangular shape so you can easily tuck it away in a corner!
I’m so very pleased, I still can‘t believe it! I was looking for so long…
It’s a 21 inches consumer TV (model number is KV-21C5B), with two SCART inputs (we call them Péritel in France) so it accepts RGB signals natively! Not a huge TV but its size (and weight!) is very manageable, it even has a triangular shape so you can easily tuck it away in a corner!
I’m so very pleased, I still can‘t believe it! I was looking for so long…