TAM - Fatback - Printable copy & FatterBack maximum expansion Mod of baseline model?


Apr 1, 2022
Bermuda Triangle, NC USA
From the pics I have on hand, in terms of size the two(?) parts seem easy enough to be printed?


Repro FatBack would seem to be in some demand I'd think, many are missing and unavailable in the wild?


FatterBack version would bow the curve of the hump out a bit
- providing more overhead for my proposed TwinSlot Riser and depth for two PCI backplane panels, one full height, one possibly low profile?
- housing for a large exhaust fan or two smaller fans would be incorporated on the curved back beneath the expansion slot cubic.

Craptastik OEM exhaust Fan to be removed or modded to blow air into the case and thru improved exhaust system of FatterBack.

Bonus points available for incorporating provision for a clear plexi cover panel. :p
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