TDK LCII PSU recap issue, ticking. Doh!… Nevermind


Oct 30, 2021
New Jersey
I didn't realize it had to be plugged into the board or it ticks! I plugged it in, it seems to work!

I just recapped my other LCII PSU, a TDK this time. It was completely dead. Now it ticks in triplets (123-123-123, etc.). It's very faint and sounds as though it may be coming from the transformer. The DC voltage is jumping from 11.6 down to around 6 and 7 back and forth really quickly. Same with the +5 and the -5, jumping around.

Is there anything I can check to further diagnose the problem. I'd hate to think I just recapped both my LC PSUs only to have them still not work.

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