ThinkC ThinkC [Study Group 3] - Working with Dialogs

Relating to ThinkC Development


Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
If you missed Study Group 0 don't worry! Come back after you've setup your environment here

Remember if you're not ready to move on to this week, don't worry, just come back when you are, we'll still be here to help!

Our goals:
  • Read Chapter 6 in Macintosh C Programming Primer - Working with Dialogs
    • Complete the example Reminder app
  • Familiarize yourself with Dialogs and the the Notification Manager in Think Reference.
  • Task: Center a Dialog in System 6
  • Task: Make an About Dialog box for your app (tie it into menus)
  • Take what you've learned build these concepts into your existing apps or a new app!
  • Post here with questions, tips, and help each other out
Sorry for the long delay between 2 and 3 - lets get through this book in the next few months and on and up to new things!

Also it's been great to see people make new apps and utilities come out form these study groups, keep it up!