Ryan from Everything is broken garage shared this useful tidbit of news for fans of retro PCs that need to install Windows 98. I know lots of people end up using the image from winworldpc, and that's fine if you want authenticity but I can't explain why or how but, that image has failed me on occasion.
Enter this github project:
GitHub - oerg866/win98-quickinstall: A framework + installer to (very) quickly install Windows 98 on anything from a 486 up to a modern system
A framework + installer to (very) quickly install Windows 98 on anything from a 486 up to a modern system - oerg866/win98-quickinstall
a set of tools and python script to prepare a lean and mean windows install, whether it be on a CD, a USB stick or from a minimalist floppy disk. Tons of choices for tons of situations. They also have a prepared disc on archive.org with already chosen options.
They claim it makes windows installation between 60-90 seconds sometimes! I have got to try this out!