Last couple of days I've been messing with a 9751 Lego serial interface from about 1994 on my LC 475. Lots of fun. I don't have many official sensors to go with it, but I've made a couple of my own.
Yesterday I got it working after working out that the TX and RX were backwards as if it was a host RS232 port instead of a peripheral port, despite it being a female port, so I made an adapter that switched them over (other than TX and RX, only Gnd is needed). I spent the rest of the day making progress learning how to use the hardware and software. It is extremely comprehensive.
See the reference manual for the software here :
Short video of some of the messing I did yesterday (please excuse the typo - I edited it on my phone at half one in the morning after accidentally losing the first edit)
And a photo from today of the fan controller I wrote. I need to finish removing some of the hard coded stuff for the setpoint - I was concentrating on getting the graph stuff working (it is usually much simpler, but I had to do it in a weird way because I wanted to plot the switch on and switch off thresholds on the graph.
Ultimately, the plan is to add the Lego interface to the datalogging software I started writing before the last few busy weeks.
Yesterday I got it working after working out that the TX and RX were backwards as if it was a host RS232 port instead of a peripheral port, despite it being a female port, so I made an adapter that switched them over (other than TX and RX, only Gnd is needed). I spent the rest of the day making progress learning how to use the hardware and software. It is extremely comprehensive.
See the reference manual for the software here :
Short video of some of the messing I did yesterday (please excuse the typo - I edited it on my phone at half one in the morning after accidentally losing the first edit)
And a photo from today of the fan controller I wrote. I need to finish removing some of the hard coded stuff for the setpoint - I was concentrating on getting the graph stuff working (it is usually much simpler, but I had to do it in a weird way because I wanted to plot the switch on and switch off thresholds on the graph.