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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
Upgrading Powerbook G3 Lombard 333 HDD to SSD through trial and error and help from this forum. Restoring old Deck II 2.5.1 music projects from my days using a Power Mac 6100
Welcome to the forums! Apologies again for the misunderstanding.
No worries!
Thanks again for the fix and happy to be here.
More prep. I have 3 iBook G3 500Mhz 12" semi-working status. Hopefully I can get at least two fully working.
Disassembling all three at once, to make it easier.
I should really have a magnetic tray for all these screws.

So, just wondering if anyone has some tips for neutralizing this aluminum oxidization... Looks like this thing was down with the Titanic.
I don't even know how this was even running with all that corrosion dust inside.
I stripped it to the frame, then hit it with a poly brush on a drill.
Got most of the dust off.

Then I had to deal with the the trackpad socket that was pulled off. Luckily it was still inside the unit.
And I was able to get it soldered back on. Forgive the crappy focus on my phone camera.

Where is the PPC Challenge 2025?
During the PPC Challenge 2024, I worked on 15 desktops, performing upgrades, fixes, and general use. For PPC Challenge 2025, I intend to work on laptops I have acquired. Prepping SSDs now.

I have purchased some 2.5" mSATA to IDE adapters that were full size with cover for about $12. I also have some cheaper $4 ones without covers, so I printed my own trays to mount them.

I have 14 PPC laptops: 2x 3400c almost like new, an Aluminum PowerBook G4 12" that is pretty banged up, and 11x various iBook G3/G4 12" units in disrepair. I purchased a few different lots of parts machines to fix up some others, but it looks like most will be salvageable/functional. All the G3/G4 models seem to work fine with these adapters (and AppleTVs as well). The two 3400c do not work with these adapters, so waiting for some CF-IDE adapters to arrive.
Making a list of possible projects to do for PPC Challenge 2025

iBook G3: hinge, backlight, ram, SSD
iBook G4: Ram, SSD
PowerBook G4: backlight, Ram, SSD, straighten frame
imacG3: ram upgrade
3x iBook G4 parts plus complete shell: test and build a working one, battery rebuild
3x Siil3114 cards: flash firmware to MAC
G3/G4 AGP video cards, fix and test
G5 PCI video cards, fix and test
4x G5 towers, retest, fix
G4 ZIF 500 for B&W, probe/test/fix
MDD fix
G3/G4 SCSI cards swap
G3/G4 USB cards swap
Check all CMOS batteries
Cube speakers rebuild (diaphragm)
iFire DIY amps for pro speakers
EtherWave, test 3 printers
A new project....
Wow. Now THAT is a project!

Interestingly, your board layout looks a bit different than mine:

Curious if there was more than one Rocket design, or if your design looks different simply to accommodate different chips.
Thanks :)
Your board is the newer and more common version that uses the custom ASIC, this one is the original model which uses lots of GAL's to do the same thing, as far as I am aware they are functionally identical otherwise
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Hi from NYC. I just picked up a Quadra 700 and am looking to build some things with Think C.
After one year of being dead due to a bad analog board and putting a good working replacement analog board and a good PSU my 800k Macintosh SE is alive once again


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Hi Tinkerers, I'm new here and I like messing with old macs. Some of the machines I have are, 2004 G4 Powerbook, 2005 G4 Mac Mini, 2 of 2012 Macbook Pros, 2019 Macbook Pro, 2007 iMac Core Duo, 2013 8 core Mac Pro, 2 of 30 inch Apple Cinema Displays, 23 inch ACD, 20 inch ACD. Plus also 2 modern displays and a powerful Hackintosh. Also a brand new in the box 2006 1,1 Intel Mac Mini, which may I add that I paid to much for.

Sorry for the long rant.
Gave my Mac SE SuperDrive a nice BlueSCSI upgrade and so far it's fantastic and I'm loving it so far

The original 40mb Quantum ProDrive still works and thankfully I have backed it up alongside with that 160mb Conner drive that stopped working sadly


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It's curious the level of vitriol and hate directed towards TD sometimes - with no clear reason as to why.

We seem to live rent free in some people's heads...
Hi Fred

I am trying to run a MacintoshPi on a 9.7" 1024x768 Display and configure the correct overscan to reduce the used screen canvas size but do not succeed.

While googling, I found your article here:

As I understand it, you somehow managed it to configure the overscan correctly? I am trying for hours now and can't figure out how to do it. While running CMD or PIOS, the overscan is applied correctly, but when running MacOS 7/8/9, it just ignores the settings and uses the full size of the screen.

Do you think you can help me here? What configuration files did you edit and with which settings?

Thanks for any help and best regards