New profile posts

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
Hello everyone,
If you are interested in learning about downgrading your iPhone 2G to iOS 1.x or 1.x.x along with your gen one Apple Tv to 1.x Let me know!
Hello everyone,

I am using a Macintosh SE with a BlueSCSI internal board. I have put a ready-made MacOS on its SD card, and the SE boots from it. My problem now: even if I use the Toolbox BlueSCSI provides, I cannot unstuff software into this OS image, even if I have Stuffit Expander there. It might be the wrong version of Stuffit Expander. But how can I find out which one is the correct one? Or should I unstuff the software on a Mac (because of resource forks) and put it in the Toolbox's 'shared' folder and try to copy it onto my image?

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. It seems that I am missing something here...
Kai Robinson
Kai Robinson
Might be better to make an actual forum post for this rather than a profile update.
Thank you! Have done so..., since 2020

-Mining Macintosh and Atari 8-bit files
-Sources include Machine

-Atari FujiNet:
Also I went to check if my 800k Mac SE still had the battery on it's logic board and thankfully the old owner did remove it

I will have to get the Mac fixed since it no longer turns on (only makes weird unhappy noises no chime at all)
I'm suspecting the analog board is faulty since smoke came out of it when it was still running back in mid- September of 2023


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Finally debombed my Mac SE SuperDrive

Thankfully the battery which is a Maxwell didn't leak or explode inside of the computer
I installed the MacBatt CR2032 adapter with a brand new CR2032 battery


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Hi, Here's the gDrive link to the hda image that is causing the crash.

If it helps, here are the specs of my laptop:
MacBook Pro
14-inch, 2021
Chip Apple M1 Pro
16 GB
Startup disk
1TB Internal
Serial number
macOS Sonoma 14.4
Just seeing this, I would be interested in a clear SE/30 case and a clear mouse case too if he has those.
Still can't figure out Email. Stunnel doesn't work, other options don't seem to work. Trying to get old Email clients to log into modern Email is a pain, all to sync Email to a palm pilot. If I figure this out, I'm writing a guide.
Thanks for your support! There's always a bit of friction in these situations - usually out of misunderstanding, not malice - so it means a lot!

- K
Thanks. I think you did a very good job replying to concerns.
PowerPC Challenge month has concluded, just as I had the time to get into MIDI music making in Cubase, and playing Sims classic. I might wait for the weekend to swap machines, next up is the Quadra 605. Maybe next next weekend. Maybe.