Note, when I have the privileges, post about the CPU socket type in beige G3 Macs. What heatsinks are compatible with this? It uses clips and heatsinks like Socket 7, but it's smaller. What else would work on this? We can do better than Apple stock, we ALWAYS can do better.
is there a chance that you can post the new 2.0 firmware that you've created? This would save me and others the need to retrace your steps. I can also share with you a link to my Google share to post there.
is there any chance that you can post the new firmware you've created? This would save me and others from retracing these steps? I can also send you a link to post on my Google share if that's more convienent.
Grew up in 8 bit times with Radio Shack Mod1 and Mod3. Never had a Macintosh until I bought my first one from eBay in 2000. I have 14 now and 2 Lisa Mac XL's. I'm retiring soon and will spend my new time learning how to replace capacitors for these.
Good morning. I saw your site on Mac84 tonight and noticed you needed a IIci logic board photo for your capacitor page. I'm prepping for recapping this one so I thought I would grab a shot and send it your way for inclusion on your site.
FYI, your IIci page states the axials are 16v, but mine are 25v nichicon SE(M) series.
And also fun fact: The 170 is the best System 6 laptop Apple ever made - and one of the few able to run it, along with the Portable, 100, 140, and the 145!