Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.

Mr. Fahrenheit

Sep 2, 2021
Lately, I've been asked by several people:

"why are you over there at the 68kmla, and not on TinkerDifferent anymore?"

To be honest, I don't want to publicly put anyone specifically down. I mean no malice with this that I have to say, I only speak from the heart from my own convictions, to advise you on where I was, and where I am now. I think actions speak louder than words, though.

TinkerDifferent came out of an idea that something better could be assembled, and built up, and improved. More than just a simple forum. An entire community, with leadership and values, and so on.

"Why even bother?" Well...

Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little. (Edmund Burke)

I had perceptions on things which have changed over the past 18 months. I thought I could execute a vision of a future community, which is living, and grows and changes over time. "Free from the pests purveying contradictory truths" playing through my head while I thought it through. It was a journey that started over a year prior.

I initiated the founding of the group and site, now known as TinkerDifferent. Through a collaborative effort, we established certain values and standards to which those involved, and the community, would need to adhere to, in order to be a free, open, transparent, and truly democratic community.

The entire community is in my thoughts at all times, and I hope that some of the goals of the project continue on, even elsewhere.

Let me summarize where the founders of TinkerDifferent came from, what transpired, and what is now.

In July of 2021, the great crash over at 68kmla resulted in a loss of important data which was not being managed well. As a result, a few people who had been affected voiced their concerns over the loss, and the mismanagement of community data. I had thought about a new forum platform, along with other components (not just a forum) for over a year prior, and that seemed like a good time to talk about putting ideas into action.

I reached out to James (JDW) and Kai, to organize a community effort. We began by email, and soon moved to Discord for more real-time communication. Many were brought into the discussions, at one point I think 15 of us were taking part. At the very beginning, these goals were outlined and agreed upon:

- An open and transparent site, run by the community, not an oligarchy or dictator.
- Funding models with transparency regarding how and where the money is being spent.
- A board of 5-7 individuals from the founders (at first, then people from the community over time), along with an advisory board of the remaining individuals, and those from the community who chose to participate.
- Term limits, with nominations and elections of board member positions (no perpetual kings).
- Specific roles, defined in a ‘constitution’ of sorts, which limits powers of people (to prevent the one person at the top from running the whole show).
- Guidelines for users that weren’t to be made into rigid rules to hammer over their heads.

We operated as a founders group without any real formal roles or organization from July through launch on October 31. We had talked about the procedure for a board, but never implemented it formerly. At the time of the launch, we had many heated discussions among founders regarding decisions and policies.

Participation in voting by founders was very difficult, as many who should voice their opinion and weigh in were silent, and absent. I saw the need to show the community that we were better than other communities, and grabbed the bull by the horns and started the process of forming the official board. The TD community needed a formal decision-making group of people, and they needed it right away.

I began by defining the number of positions, their roles, and the procedures involved. It was an open vote for each step, so that we could refine and mostly be in agreement as to the policies and the process. I began to do nearly all of the heavy lifting surrounding the entire process. Once I had realized that I was the main architect for the board and process, I felt it was unethical to also run for a voting position on the board (and possibly president). I didn’t feel it appropriate, especially with our goals in mind, to be in that position. It could be seen as trying to be a dictator. I didn’t like the optics of it, especially how the community might view it.

I reached out to several members of our founders group and told them about my ethical dilemma. I proposed that once the elections had happened, and the board was formed, that it be proposed that I become an honorary non-voting board member/chairman in order to be able to provide continued feedback, input, help, and also to keep the board transparent, and on-track with our initial forming desires. All of them said they had no issues, understood where I was coming from, and said they would propose it. All of them also became board members.

A few weeks went by, into November 2021, and I heard that the board had held board meeting(s) or discussions. I hadn’t been contacted by anyone regarding my request, or anything. The context of such meetings was kept private. I reached out about my position, and was told ‘it was decided against’.

Perplexed, I reached out in a more official manner, making my request more formal, to understand the situation better. I had thought that being the initial founder, participant in the entire drafting of the community, the organization, and the architect of the nominations, elections, and board, I had earned the trust and respect of the other founders, and of the board specifically, that such a request wouldn’t be hard to fulfill. I mean, it was a request for a non-voting seat at the table, to hear what was being discussed, and to provide feedback. In a community where transparency was the main goal, that seemed almost like an expectation of any founder, to be honest.

I was questioned as to ‘why’ and that ‘we can find no other examples of such arrangements’. It seemed that the board was happy to become an oligarchy. It upset me. Especially since I easily found examples online of such arrangements, and forwarded those examples on. What did I do to instantly lose the respect of those peers whom we shared goals with, following them becoming board members?

The board had reached out to me through one member. When I became angry and frustrated over the process of trying to justify my position (which I felt should have no need for justifying if I had the respect of the board), I made them aware of this. That member replied by saying he was
taking his board member hat off to say that “you’re being a dick.”.

At that moment, I decided to walk away.

To me, the perceived arrogance of some on the board (based upon the actions), who decided that a simple ‘Founders’ badge under our names on the site, was sufficient for those who had worked alongside the members who now served as the official board, was far and away what we had wanted for the community. It was like an instant switch had been applied, and founding ideals were altered in an instant.

However, TD was set up as a democracy, and in the real world of democracies, they never turn out how they are envisioned. We are used to thinking very highly of democracy. Philosophy was highly suspicious of its other achievement, democracy.

In the dialogues of Plato, the founding father of Greek Philosophy – Socrates – is portrayed as hugely pessimistic about the whole business of democracy. In Book Six of The Republic, Plato describes Socrates falling into conversation with a character called Adeimantus and trying to get him to see the flaws of democracy by comparing a society to a ship.

“If you were heading out on a journey by sea”, asks Socrates, “who would you ideally want deciding who was in charge of the vessel? Just anyone or people educated in the rules and demands of seafaring?”

“The latter, of course”, says Adeimantus. “So why, then”, responds Socrates, “do we keep thinking that any old person should be fit to judge who should be a ruler of a country?”

Socrates’s point is that voting in an election is a skill, not a random intuition. And like any skill, it needs to be taught systematically to people. Letting the citizenry vote without an education is as irresponsible as putting them in charge of a trireme sailing to Samos in a storm.

Socrates was to have first hand, catastrophic experience of the foolishness of voters. In 399 BC, the philosopher was put on trial on trumped up charges of corrupting the youth of Athens. A jury of 500 Athenians was invited to weigh up the case and decided by a narrow margin that the philosopher was guilty. He was put to death by hemlock in a process which is, for thinking people, every bit as tragic as crucifixion was.

The point here being, we set out to create a transparent and democratic community. One where everything was open to everyone. What came out of it all is quite the opposite in many ways. Board meetings held in a conclave manner (in secret). Board meeting minutes of only the first meeting posted online. No public accounting of what the current amount of funds are, how much it costs each month (although that part is finally online in a brief summary), and how long those funds will last at the given cost. No formal community town hall meetings, to allow the community an opportunity to hold the founders and board accountable. No advisory board, made up from those who wished to serve in that capacity. No transparency regarding when board meetings are, what is being discussed, avenues to submit agenda to be discussed, etc. No openness around discussions over the site, all done behind closed doors, even closed to other founders.

So when you take all of this into consideration, you can understand from my point of view, why I finally decided to just walked away. There was no point to me serving
in any advisory capacity if the board didn't want anyone outside of their own ‘Group of 7’ to participate. There was no point in me trying to lead such group if the board lacks the respect of my position, my thoughts, and my work.

Actions speak a lot louder than words. The actions of the board were to remain a conclave of 7, to sweep away the other founders, and to make it completely about them. Which is not what we were founded around.

I can move on from the situation, but I can’t restore the relationship that I thought we had. And as a result, I had withdrawn my request to be a non-voting member to sit on the board, and to lead an advisory committee so as to liaison between them and the official board. I stand by that decision, even today.

I lost significant respect for those who questioned my motivations, even though those motivations were for freedom and openness. If I sought true power, I would have run for the board and threw my name in for president. Why was my request for openness seen as a power move?

As a result, I have walked away from the TD community in general. I cannot endorse the organization that alienated all of the goals we had agreed upon from the very beginning.

It has been nearly one full year since the launch of TD. Transparency is effectively non-existent. I can’t endorse that, and promote it to the community. What exists today is a lie from the promotional video that we released. Simply reading the minutes of the first board meeting, whereby board members discussed possibly removing the term limits because ‘maybe people want to keep their positions’. That’s not what we agreed upon. To me, to even consider this for future debate questions their motivations.

And like I said, actions speak louder than words.

My action is to cease speaking about everything, altogether. So I have come to the end. Thank you for taking the time to read this.


TinkerDifferent Board Vice-President 2023
Staff member
Sep 23, 2021
I respect your point of view, even though I wasn't privy to any of the formation or construction of the platform. I am however monitoring the website daily, watching its growth and participating in fostering its growth.
I've never known anyone here to be hostile or gatekeeping, I certainly wouldn't be sticking around if users behaved like they do elsewhere.

TLDR: In the words of Drake Circa; Just now-ish
If someone rubs you the wrong way? butter them up. Kindness is the frictionless lube of emotional bonding!


Oct 30, 2021
Fort Mill, SC
Sorry to hear that. I was (am) excited about the possibility of TinkerDifferent being a long lasting resource for the retro Apple community. I have had many fantastic interactions with people here. and greatly respect all the amazing work you (and others) have put into the community, the knowledge. I've also had some less than enjoyable interactions with people who've been around this scene very long. I guess my lesson is just because we share interests, it's tough to expect all of us to share the same beliefs in how to handle interactions. I do hate the idea of a fragmented community, but unfortunately that's where we are. When I'm seeking help, it's here, twitter, reddit, 68kmla... And unfortunately, I'm often asking things that have been asked before, but aren't easily found.

Anyway, it sucks this has happened and I wish you the best of luck!


Active Tinkerer
Nov 8, 2021
Why would anyone expect a single governing body to hold itself to transparency and accountability?

Accountability comes from the outside. Gridlock in government is a feature, not a bug.

Letting children vote on dinner and bedtime results in "ice cream" and "never".
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Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
I wish to thank Drake, our moderator, for his work here on Tinker Different and for his kind understanding regarding this thread. I also wish thank our board members for their embrace of free speech, within the confines of common sense and reason. Numerous other forums would be quick to shutdown any speech that isn't flattering to those in power. It warms my heart to know that is not the case here on Tinker Different. I cannot become a better person if I remain in ignorance of my own wrong doings.

It would be inappropriate for me to say nothing, hence this post. I shall now give an account of my involvement in the Tinker Different story, for the sake of openness. I will add some important thoughts as well. Nothing that I am about to say in any way contradicts what has been said thus far in previous posts.

It was the end of June 2021 when a certain other forum experienced a sudden loss of data. The loss was several months of posts, which was significant. A large portion of important dialog on Kai Robinson's projects was lost forever, among other invaluable treasures. I will spare you the technical details of what happened on the server side, but the result was that none of that data lost was backed up anywhere, not even on It is indeed lost forever.

Soon after the data loss, there was a thread opened on that forum which explained the matter and allowed input from forum members. People chimed in, myself included. Designated forum trolls (two especially, which I shall not name) began their bullying of anyone who spoke even the least bit ill of what had happened. Kai Robinson expressed tremendous regret over the loss of data in his threads. I felt exactly as he did, so naturally I also felt he had the right to speak his mind. He made no death threats nor said anything illegal, but was still viciously attacked. The two bullies who tore into him turned on me as well for my having suggested that the forum may do better in other hands. That dynamic duo have bullied a number of other people too, in that forum and off. My attempt to reason with the two bullies by PM did nothing to assuage them. No surprise. They are unrepentant bullies after all. But they are sadly beloved by a large number of people because the bullies have excellent knowledge of vintage computers, and they often share that knowledge to help other people. When you help people, even if you sometimes act like Satan, you will continue to be loved by those people. It's sad but true.

In the end, Kai was lambasted and even given official Warning points. Why? For merely expressing a to-be-expected opinion in the open forum, and for not bowing his head and tickling the fancy of those in power -- those who were ultimately responsible for the tremendous loss of data.

I myself had been issued a Warning point several months prior for having committed the cardinal sin of asking three times if the forum's Post EDITING time window could be expanded beyond a mere 40 minutes. I was further threatened to never bring up the topic again. (Note that we have no such ridiculous time window here on Tinker Different.)

I was compliant. I was silent. I bit my tongue, but didn't like it. I saw others get chastised and even banned on that forum through the years. I did nothing all the years I saw it happen. I told myself, "there's no other information resource comparable to this on the net pertaining to our hobby, so I must just grin a bear it like all the rest."

Then came June 2021.

The data loss was bad; and no, it wasn't the first data loss that forum had experienced either. But it was that plus something else that triggered a remarkable change in me. The bullying before my very eyes of an amazing content creator, Kai Robinson, shocked me to the core. People who I perceived as his friends, had turned against him on a dime. Why? Because he refuse to worship false gods. About the same time, Mr. Fahrenheit approach myself and others about starting a new forum. I joined in a heartbeat and never turned back. I made a promise to myself that I would never post at the other forum again; at least, not until the bullies were gone and management had a major reshuffle. That hasn't happened, and I doubt it will in my lifetime.

I had been asked by two other people to join new forum efforts prior to the June 2021 data loss, but I declined their kind offers because I didn't think two people could do it. Mr. Fahrenheit proposed something new to me in that it would involve a larger number of people from the vintage computing community. Having more people seemed more viable to me than the previous two opportunities I was presented with, so I joined Mr. F's effort. But I began by humbly asking for permission to bring in the two people who had previously asked me to start a forum with them, so as not to make them feel bad about my having joined this effort but not theirs. They were accepted into the group of Founders. One of the two dropped out of the effort, while the other continues to be a part of this forum to this day.

Although I am one of many Founders, I was not elected to the TinkerDifferent board. I was not angry when I was not elected because although I had put my name in the pot, one must be willing to lose as well as to win. I was pleased that the voters had elected the people they thought were best equipped to lead this forum for their first term. I fully accepted the result of the vote. I continue to accept that result.

Even before our first board vote, I was an advocate of (1) a limited term (e.g., 1 year), and (2) a limit to the number of terms (e.g. no more than 2 or 3). I said many times to our Founders: "No perpetual kings!" That is not true on other forums, but we needed it to be true in our forum. We are Tinker DIFFERENT after all. We must THINK DIFFERENT too. There will be another board vote taking place in the near future, and I am sure there will be an announcement about that to everyone in the forum. I am not privy to when that will be because I am not on the board, but I do know it will happen.

When and if new people are elected to the board, those people will need to address issues raised by Mr. Fahrenheit, especially with regard to the level of transparency that needs to be in place to satisfy the majority of people who participate in this forum. If someone is upset over the lack of transparency in a particular area, now is the time to let your voice be heard.

Folks, I want to get along with everyone. In my life so far, I have been unable to get along with only a handful of people, and most of those are at the other forum. You cannot forgive an offense that is still ongoing, so I cannot forgive bullies until they repent and turn from their ways. Would I forgive them if they reformed themselves? Yes! But I am not concerned about that right now because I keep my focus here on this forum, not on that other forum.

I do not like bullying from anyone, anywhere. It concerns me that Mr. F. feels ostracized. While I agree with Drake that there hasn't been any gatekeeping or open hostility taking place in the open forum here (and thank you again, Drake, for maintaining the peace), I cannot speak about illicit activities happening off-forum. Private Messages, emails, talks on Discord, downvoting posts on Reddit, etc. are all outside the open forum here on TD and not subject to our moderation.

So what specifically do I think about what Mr. Fahrenheit said?

I think we all are flawed human beings and have said and done things we ought not to have. The main thing is that we look inward and judge whether we need to change ourselves. Have we wronged another person?

If our first reaction to someone else's grievance is to point a finger at them, we are proving that we have the bigger problem. If we have committed a wrong, we must first recognize we have done that wrong and then come to the point where we can apologize for it. I actually did that with one gentleman in the other forum. I will not say more than that regarding him. I can only add that I have not actively tried to bully anyone in my life, but when I perceive my words composed in innocence have hurt another, there comes a point at which I need to apologize. And sometimes that apology comes too late. At times, my apology may not be accepted. But regardless of the outcome, I strive to make amends where possible. There is no shame in humbly apologizing.

I really like the Rodney King statement of "can't we all just get along?" It's easy to say, but hard to do. Realistically, we cannot all get along. Some of us refuse to cooperate with others. Why? Human emotion. When we play the role of Bones, we get upset easily. When we play the role of Spock, we are in control. (Pon farr excluded.) I like to be in control, not to dominate others, but to keep my heart and mind in check so as not to cause offense, and to make better decisions. Even then, I fail. And when I fail and realize my failure, I humbly apologize. My willingness to be humble and apologize perhaps makes me weak in the eyes of others who never apologize. But when something is the right thing to do, I must do it regardless of what others think.

The bottom line is this...

I recognize Mr. F. was the gentlemen who kick started the effort that led to Tinker Different. Regardless of how others think about Mr. F., every founder needs to admit to that as fact. It is a fact. That history cannot be denied. It is also true that Mr. F. provided leadership in the group in the summer of 2021 and proposed rules that were followed in the electing of board members who run TD. Had Mr. F. not been a part of this effort, not only would TD not exist, but what we know of TD today would not exist in the form it is in today.

My saying that doesn't worship Mr. F. or make him King. My saying that doesn't praise him alone while ignoring the amazing contributions of others. My saying that is simply stating a fact. I give credit where credit is due. A lot of amazing people came together to create this forum, and we have amazing people on the board too. But are we all error free? No. Certainly not. And our fallible nature must not be used as a cop out either. We must seek to better ourselves every single day. Just as Mr. F. kickstarted this forum, so Mr. F. is trying to address another issue that requires our attention.

Everyone has their own take on what they heard and saw during the founding to his great forum. But one thing we can all agree on is that the motivations to kick start this forum were sound. This forum has become an important information resource beloved by many members. And we are growing in number.

Despite having been a Founder, I consider myself a forum member who types out posts on a regular basis just like the rest of you. I don't consider myself better than anyone else here. If someone says something bad about me in this forum, I will not shut them down, although I may privately ask them for further explanation. I have posted some videos on YouTube, but anyone can do that. If anything, I constantly stand in awe at the knowledge and abilities of many of you. That includes many of the Founders. Even when we disagree, we all have something special to contribute. Let's try not to exclude anyone, when at all possible.

I long have said that I believe we ought to be mature enough to have a heated argument, yet be able to shake hands at the end. I strive to avoid burning bridges with people where possible. If someone tells me something bad about another in our community, I don't immediately cut relations with that person because I judge others based on how they have treated me first, and then I examine how they treat others. So long as no laws have been broken and no crimes committed, I don't immediately seek to break relations with others. Why should I deliberately burn a bridge with a person who may one day become a beautiful friend, or perhaps be the only person who can help me out of a jam?

There are some people who dislike Mr. F.
There are some people who dislike me.
There are some people who dislike you.

The question now is, what shall we do?

If I can be a bridge to healing, I extend my hand out in friendship to anyone who is willing to take it. I want us to come together in a spiritual of brotherly love and mutual cooperation. Apologies and forgiveness must be a part of it. Wherever feelings have been hurt, we must identify that and seek to heal.

I would implore those reading what Mr. F. wrote to not cast judgement on any party, but to encourage a coming together, for the good of this forum and its wonderful members. As imperfect human beings, there will always be bad decisions, especially when we refuse to restrain our emotions. But if we can keep those emotions in check, spend time to consider how to constructively resolve problems before us, and involve others in our forum to join in, I feel that good can result.

We must also be willing to think outside the box. We must embrace diversity of thought. Just because someone doesn't think in the same way you do doesn't mean they are a bad person. If you think someone has lied or deceived, you must back that up with facts, and give that person a chance to explain their side fully before taking a purely negative stance against them. I also dislike people who gang up on others. That's a "gang bang" in my opinion, and it needs to be stopped.

While it is true that an uneducated voter base will often vote badly, I think many who are in this forum have not only a decent education and a firm understanding of manners, but also considerable knowledge mixed with common sense. We are all geeks here who have a common interest, and our technical knowledge transcends the average person. Let's work out our differences to resolve the issues of the past and get along where possible.

Any bullying of Mr. F. that has taken place to date must end today. If anyone feels bullied by Mr. F., then that needs to be addressed as well. If any of you have felt threatened by me, in any way, I need to know, because I am not aware of that now.

I want to help us heal and move forward constructively because I think we have one of the best forums out there. And it would not have come together had Mr. F. not brought the original group together.

I would discourage anyone who has been emotionally triggered by this discussion from chiming in until you have a cool head. If your head cannot be cooled, then we still need your input, but perhaps a private dialog would be best for that.

Please keep in mind that this forum allows free speech within the confines of the law and our posted guidelines, against which Mr. F. has committed no crime. We do not allow "politics." But my interpretation of that guideline is to avoid talking about things pertaining to Brexit, the President of the USA, local elected officials, the Supreme Court, controversial laws, etc. That is different from internal politics of a vintage Mac forum, against which I see no rule in place. Indeed, if a rule is suddenly created to force a shutdown of this thread, we then become no different from the forum that drove many of our Founders to create this great place of freedom for all.

Thank you all for being a part of this forum. If you have something constructive to add, please speak freely.

Certificate of Excellence

Active Tinkerer
Nov 1, 2021
United Sates
Well, I don’t pull punches. How that sad story read to me is that your vision was co-opted by YT personalities as a platform to further themselves. You were useful in that you did the heavy lifting up front (I mean your effort wasn’t tied up in making self serving YT vids right?) and now you’re no longer needed so you’re in the way. You voice your concerns & “you’re being a dick” lol. If anything, moving forward make sure you never let go of the keys to the castle. There’s always some opportunistic worms ready to steal it from you. That and be very aware of the social capital tubers represent & the penchant for corruption & manipulation there. The very nature of their status illustrates self servitude. Heck, you should make a VCF booth on “how to steal others work Ie:


Active Tinkerer
May 15, 2022
the United States
I honestly don’t subscribe to the whole “YouTubers are only in it for themselves” idea that I see talked about a lot here. To be clear, many are, but I haven’t seen anything to suggest that in this community. The youtubers associated with this site are all pretty small all things considered, and from my interactions with @Mac84 specifically, I only have good things to say. This whole situation is definitely unfortunate for everyone involved I’d say. I don’t think it’s fair to just blame the YouTubers though. It’s also important to consider that without their promotion, hardly anyone would have likely joined the site at all. That’s where I heard about it after all.
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Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
Well, I don’t pull punches. How that sad story read to me is that your vision was co-opted by YT personalities as a platform to further themselves. You were useful in that you did the heavy lifting up front (I mean your effort wasn’t tied up in making self serving YT vids right?) and now you’re no longer needed so you’re in the way. You voice your concerns & “you’re being a dick” lol. If anything, moving forward make sure you never let go of the keys to the castle. There’s always some opportunistic worms ready to steal it from you. That and be very aware of the social capital tubers represent & the penchant for corruption & manipulation there. The very nature of their status illustrates self servitude. Heck, you should make a VCF booth on “how to steal others work Ie:
I think it's great you offered pointed feedback. Thank you!

As mentioned in my earlier post, when unflattering things are said in other forums about Admins or other people on control, the poster is either shutdown or subject to ridicule. Neither has taken place here. And what I am about to say doesn't seek to do that either. That's why I continue to appreciate this forum very much. It's a great place for free speech!

Would you have any specific recommendations to resolve the issues presented by Mr. F.?

Below is a little more of my thinking. I write a lot to provoke you good people to do the same. It's not a waste of time.

For the record (and it almost goes without saying), I was not the one who called Mr. F. a male reproductive organ, nor have I ever put that horrid label on anyone. I just want to be clear on that. In fact, I think ill of profanity because none of my immediate family members used such terms when I was growing up. That is also why I mentioned "emotions" in my previous post, because people who use profane words tend to be emotional and seek to trigger emotions in others with those awful word choices. Whoever used that offensive word against Mr. F. needs to come to recognize that was inappropriate, apologize and allow Mr. F. to forgive and forget. I believe that can and should be done even if Mr. F. and that other person do not become friends and continue to have disagreements. Yes, we as mature adults really can disagree profoundly on many matters, yet remain tactful, mature, calm, cooperative. We don't have to remain bitter and go around stabbing people in the back. We can and should have open dialog with people we disagree with and even dislike, because DIVERSITY OF THOUGHT make the world go round. It's all a matter of controlling our human emotion.

Now, as to the topic "YT personalities," I can only assume you meant to say "well known" personalities because a lot of people have at least 1 public video on YouTube. Does 1 public video constitute a "personality"? Some people have less than 10 subscribers to their "channel." But when we talk about "YouTubers" or "personalities" we then need to define what constitutes that. Is it 300 subscribers? 1000 subscribers? 5418 subscribers (which is why my channel seems to have as of this writing), 10,000, 30,000, 300,000, or 1 million?

I don't say this to belittle your comment about YouTube at all; and like I said, all such feedback is welcomed here in TinkerDifferent, especially the pointed comments like yours. I trust that our board will welcome your feedback too. It's just a living reality that some folks who founded this site (myself included) happen to have public videos on YouTube.

I realize that the bigger a YT channel becomes, the more demands are placed on the operators of those channels, which I guess could be argued that they have less time to contribute here on this forum, but that's only speculation. Besides, as @3lectr1c said, he discovered this forum only because of a YouTube video, so YouTube content isn't all that bad, I guess.

The way this forum was created was that Mr. F. brought a small group of people together, and those people (myself included) made recommendations to bring in other people who we thought would better diversity our team and make our forum more attractive too. So yeah, some more well known YouTubers were asked because it was thought that would spread the word better. It was a logical decision to make. That decision was understood by everyone, including Mr. F. Eventually, people stopped being added because any more people would have been too many, and those people then became what we know today as Founders. Mr. F. led the group initially, then Mac84 volunteered to lead, and ultimately we had a board vote and Bruce Rayne of Branchus creations was elected President, which is his title today. But through it all, Mr. F. was not king. Steve (Mac84) was not king. And Bruce is not currently king. You see, a "king" is not elected and he (or "she" as a queen) reigns until death. A President is elected for a short duration term, typically with a limit to the number of terms.

I suppose one could say Mac84 is a "YT personality" just like Bruce is, but then again, I would be considered that too. However, my friend Kay Koba also has a YouTube channel, although he doesn't post to it often, despite my ongoing encouragement for him to do so. So long as YouTube obligations doesn't negatively impact an elected board members ability to contribute in an expected way to this forum, I personally don't see an issue with Youtube video creation. Do you? But the matter Mr. F. brought up in his opening post speaks of more specific things about how he expected to be treated in comparison to how he actually was treated. Even so, not everyone in our group of Founders treated Mr. F. badly. I certainly have not sought to do that.

We have a lot of posts here in this forum which don't promote videos or line anyone's pockets. Even on my own YT channel, I have never had Ads switched on, I don't have a Patreon, and while I do accept PayPal donations, you can see how few people contribute because I always mention them by name at the end of every video. And in the greater scheme of things, my 5418 subscribers is a rather small drop in a very large bucket.

I don't know about Mac84, Bruce, etc., but what got me started making "public" videos originally was a selfish motivation that had nothing to do with money. You see, I am very forgetful. My late 2009 iMac had video card issues, and I watched countless YT videos about how people were baking their cards. As an electrical engineer, that rather surprised me and made me skeptical. But since the card doesn't have any electrolytic caps on it, baking it really wouldn't do that much harm at all. So I embarked one day on trying it. I knew I might need to do it again in the future, so I decided to film myself, for the sake of remembering how I did it. But as I started, I thought I shouldn't be so selfish and decided to take a little more care to make a better video so I could switch it to public. I thought it might help others. That video went on to be one of my more successful videos to this day in terms of number of views. It currently has 372,000 views. Compare that with my MacSD video which I spent far, far more time on, which currently has only 2886 views. Some of my other views which I put blood sweat and tears into have just over 2,000 views. I have a lot of what I consider very super high quality videos which have been out for a good while now, but yet which still have less than 1,000 views.

The point here is, I do this to help people as I myself want to be helped. If I lived by the numbers, I'd throw in the towel. It would get depressing, actually. My wife has often said I should quite YouTube altogether because she knows how much time it eats up, yet it offers me only a tiny gain. I tend to operate in the red because I sometimes need to buy a vintage item to do a video on, and prices these days are crazy!

All said, what Mr. F. wrote in his opening post really does transcend the YouTube topic, I think.

Now as to "the keys to the castle," that goes back to "no perpetual kings." Mr. F., myself, and all other founders went into this forum effort knowing that absolute power corrupts absolutely and therefore we need to be governed by democratic elections rather than have one guy at the helm who never leaves. As such, nothing was technically "stolen." Indeed, our Tinker Different logo was voted upon. Many founders submitted their artwork, myself included. We voted and voted and ultimately the logo variations proposed by Mac84 won and are used to this day. We all contributed domain name ideas. Ultimately, we voted and one domain that Mac84 had acquired was chosen. He has kindly donated that domain name to the forum to this day. And yet, this forum is not the single-handed creation of Mac84. He contributed a lot, but so did Mr. F., Bruce and many other founders. All of our early decisions were decided on votes.

Now whether those votes resulted from the popularity of people who pitched ideas is subject to debate, I guess. But the fact is that none of our founders contested any of the votes. All was done decently and in order up to the time of the final board vote and the official release of this forum. I assume things are still decided by vote by the board, but I am not privy to that.

So in light of this, if you make time to re-read what Mr. F. wrote in his opening post, you will see that:
  1. Mr. F. was the single-man who brought a team of people together who democratically established this forum with no perpetual kings. (This is why I continue to recognize him and thank him for that.)
  2. Mr. F. was never made a king and never sought to be a perpetual king.
  3. Mr. F. setup an important framework for this forum to be created, and that framework was largely followed by Founders, including how the Board vote worked last Fall.
  4. Mr. F. thought it would be unethical for him to run for a position on the board because he had created the rules and framework for the elections. (I personally didn't think that should be a cause for him to recuse himself, but he did, and that's okay.)
  5. Mr. F. instead proposed that he become an honorary non-voting board member/chairman in order to be able to provide continued feedback. (That was a decision to be carried out by the board, not by non-elected people. I am a founder and have been allowed by the board to remain an Admin, but I was not elected to the board, and have no say in board meetings, etc.)
  6. Mr. F.'s request to play an ongoing official role was later declined by the board, meaning that Mr. F. has had no say in board matters. This became the source of contention.
  7. Hurt feelings and differences of opinions have led to the current situation where Mr. F. created this thread to explain himself.
It was then that I chimed in, along with the rest of you. And that's pretty much it.

There will be a new board vote coming up. It was understood, prior to the board vote last Fall that people outside the Founders should be allowed to throw their name in the pot to be elected to a board position, to be made Admins, Moderators, etc. Again, we have no perpetual kings. So I remain confident that things will change over time, perhaps for the better at times and perhaps for the worse at other times, as is true in democratic societies.

What I want is a coming together. I want admission of wrongs (privately is fine), willingness to apologize, put emotions on the back burner, and have us all be on friendly terms even if we vehemently disagree on certain matters. We have a lot of brilliant minds in our midst. We need those minds to cooperate and put an end to disagreements, bitterness and strife. I think we can do that if we are all willing. And that's why I've spend so much time on my keyboard typing all this. Ack!

Getting along with others is one of the hardest things to accomplish in this life. But it is our obligation and duty. Let us not shy away from that.

If anyone reading this has a criticism, don't be afraid to speak. You will not be chastised for speaking your mind. But if you also have proposals on how to address problems mentioned, please let that be known too, because those ideas are useful!

Mr. Fahrenheit

Sep 2, 2021
Posting of Private messages without consent
When a board member attacks me by private Discord message after posting this, and then immediately blocks me from even replying to them, indicates an even bigger problem here. Edit: I had posted the screenshot so that I could offer proof of this occurring, but this violates the policies here, so I have removed it.

I received a Discord message from @eric about my open letter above being a "twisted view". I sent this open letter, almost exactly as written above, to the board in February 2022, as a way of trying to restore what was eroded. I received ZERO response to my points, and not even an acknowledgement that it was read. I had to ask one board member if they even got my letter, and the reply was that it was passed around.

I would like for @eric to explain what exactly is twisted in the open letter I posted above, seeing as I am blocked from messaging him on Discord to try and find that out for myself. I have tried to be factual, including referring to screenshots of conversations I have had with various board members, in my recollection of events. Privately, between some board members and people I have spoken with, it has been said that I am a liar. What part am I lying about? The openness and transparency of the board to the community?
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Mar 7, 2022
  1. Mr. F. instead proposed that he become an honorary non-voting board member/chairman in order to be able to provide continued feedback. (That was a decision to be carried out by the board, not by non-elected people. I am a founder and have been allowed by the board to remain an Admin, but I was not elected to the board, and have no say in board meetings, etc.)
  2. Mr. F.'s request to play an ongoing official role was later declined by the board, meaning that Mr. F. has had no say in board matters. This became the source of contention.
Sounds like a really valid source of contention then.


TinkerDifferent Board Secretary 2023
Staff member
Sep 25, 2021
USA, Western
Having re-watched the Tinker Different launch video, transparency and a lack of bullying are the main messages I see.

In terms of transparency, I will agree that we are lacking some things that could be expected.
* Board meeting dates should be posted publicly and the minutes of those meetings should also be public. I can find only one set of minutes:
* Some expense information has been provided here, but there have been no updates on how to donate to keep the site operational since about February of this year:
* I agree that there should be a way to specifically call for a subject to be discussed in board meetings, which should probably come with a public commentary period of some sort or another (both to determine the level of the concern and to gain feedback)

A comment that might not go over so well:
I think it's going a little "too far" here to publicly post private messages. Public posting of private messages invites mob mentality, which does not often result in good outcomes.

A final point, on the title of this thread. Perhaps the creation of Tinker Different didn't go as well as one (perhaps even several) of the founders desired, but does that make it a failure? What has emerged is very much "of value" to the community, as a place which is primarily free from the kind of abuse which has been known to occur in other places. Starting a community that deliberately focuses on being anti-abuse is not a failure. I classify that as a success.


Mar 7, 2022
Editing / redacting a post with the reason of "Posting of Private messages without consent" seems absurd if that edit was done by a moderator and not the poster themselves. It does not in any way signal an anti-abuse community. It quite frankly on the surface seems as nothing but enabling of the same.

Mr. Fahrenheit

Sep 2, 2021
Editing / redacting a post with the reason of "Posting of Private messages without consent" seems absurd if that edit was done by a moderator and not the poster themselves. It does not in any way signal an anti-abuse community. It quite frankly on the surface seems as nothing but enabling of the same.
I edited it. No worries.
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TinkerDifferent Board Vice-President 2023
Staff member
Sep 23, 2021
Editing / redacting a post with the reason of "Posting of Private messages without consent" seems absurd if that edit was done by a moderator and not the poster themselves. It does not in any way signal an anti-abuse community. It quite frankly on the surface seems as nothing but enabling of the same.
The message was left as-is, thanks @Mr. Fahrenheit for clarifying, also for removing the image in question.

"oh look! pitchforks!"


Mar 7, 2022
I am guessing (hoping) you made that post simultaneously with my last one, but it doesn't really encourage me to be active here. Honestly I'm impressed with Mr F's grace; I would not have been so kind to have removed said screenshot. It speaks volumes to his maturity.

Unless there is an official statement from the other founders as to why Mr F can't even have a non-voting voice at the table, I can't see myself having much motivation to visit this site anymore. And I say that after being arrogantly warned on a certain forum for voicing my discontent over the former name of a new SCSI emulator.

My goal here isn't to trash this forum, but if nobody is arguing the major points of the original post, then it doesn't sit well with me at all. That's not a pitchfork, that is my honest observation.

Mr. Fahrenheit

Sep 2, 2021
I appreciate the words and support. I’m trying not to reply much to this post (and the identical post over at 68kmla) because I don’t want to beat a dead horse until it’s been disintegrated. Every time I reply here or there it pops this thread up to the top. It’s not my intent.

My intent was to address the legitimate transparency concerns, share those thoughts with the public who may not know or realize there are problems here, and just move on. That is why I signed off with the last line. Because I’m done talking about the problems I have with TD and the board, and I’m indicating I no longer endorse what has come out of our effort, and I’m simply reverting back to community participant over there on 68kmla so as not to appear to endorse TD publicly.

The discussions people add over here that are constructive and continuing the discussion are likely productive and may bring forth positive change. Any discussion and criticisms on 68kmla regarding problems at TD aren’t really productive at this point and probably should be toned down from this point in my opinion. Nothing positive is gained by further replying there as to what the problems are “over there”.

We can all just rest knowing that where we are, and where we contribute, makes that place a better place. No matter where it is. Positive insertion of oneself anywhere makes that a better place for all.

We need to keep interactions and posts positive, and try and keep attacks to a minimum where possible. I’m not trying to dictate what is said here or anywhere, or even on this post in general at all. Not at all. If you want to post and share experiences, you are free to do so. I’m not a gatekeeper or enforcer of speech.

I’m just stating how I’m moving on with how I conduct myself and trying to remind myself every time I try to post something. Like the topic title: what can I add to the discussion that brings value, and not just makes myself look good?

I thank everyone for their private and public messages to me regarding this experience. I am moving on here and I’m okay, with some changes in mindset over posts and replies and interactions.

I had shared with Cory at 68kmla earlier this summer that I had a whole new outlook on how this whole thing works. And I apologized to him privately for things I said and did, and how I acted and reacted, and everything that came out of it all. I know things today I didn’t know 18 months ago, and I’m better for it.

Hopefully we all are.


Senior Tinkerer
Jun 6, 2022
Utah, USA
Since joining here on TD, my perspective is that this forum is intended to be a safe place where we can help each other with tinkering with our vintage computers and learning from each other the various outstanding and fun possibilities we can do now with those old computers. To me, that is awesome and something we can appreciate.

We come from different walks of life, have varying skills and talents, and come together to discuss how we can tinker to make things better, practical, and fun. I like how Steve Wozniak pointed out how people can create great ideas, products, and results with different skills and talents:

We were very similar in certain ways, like the values [we had] as we grew up in our high school. We were both leaning towards the counter-culture. Steve was more a part of it, and I was more mainstream — feet on the ground, none of these drugs and all that.
Steve and I would [talk] and get excited about the same technological possibilities.
I was more the humorist; I was more [of] the expert designer. But we shared common interests. We were friends for eight years [before] we started Apple.
It was after we started Apple that we defined our roles.
Steve’s role was to learn how to run every aspect of a company and to be an executive at every level. I had already come to a very non-political point in my life where I didn’t want to run a company because I didn’t want to push other people around, act superior to others, or tell them what they had [done] was lousy. So I just said: I will do my engineering as well as it can be done, and I’ll do that perfectly. I won’t tromp into other people’s territory.
So we went into two parts of the company. And from then on, we [worked] on different things almost forever.
Steve did an excellent job of melding the marketing, operations, and technology. He understood which technology was good and what people would like.
It was a weird situation. He couldn’t design a computer — he was never a designer or a programmer — but he could understand it well enough to understand what was good and bad.
I think that was more important — having one mind that could put the entire landscape together. Whereas I just did one piece excellently.

(edited for modern grammar correctness)

We all have good and bad days. We all have said things we should not have. I think the more important thing is to forgive and move on. There is always room for improvement to be better and kinder to one another. :)
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Certificate of Excellence

Active Tinkerer
Nov 1, 2021
United Sates
I think it's great you offered pointed feedback. Thank you!

As mentioned in my earlier post, when unflattering things are said in other forums about Admins or other people on control, the poster is either shutdown or subject to ridicule. Neither has taken place here. And what I am about to say doesn't seek to do that either. That's why I continue to appreciate this forum very much. It's a great place for free speech!

Would you have any specific recommendations to resolve the issues presented by Mr. F.?

Below is a little more of my thinking. I write a lot to provoke you good people to do the same. It's not a waste of time.

For the record (and it almost goes without saying), I was not the one who called Mr. F. a male reproductive organ, nor have I ever put that horrid label on anyone. I just want to be clear on that. In fact, I think ill of profanity because none of my immediate family members used such terms when I was growing up. That is also why I mentioned "emotions" in my previous post, because people who use profane words tend to be emotional and seek to trigger emotions in others with those awful word choices. Whoever used that offensive word against Mr. F. needs to come to recognize that was inappropriate, apologize and allow Mr. F. to forgive and forget. I believe that can and should be done even if Mr. F. and that other person do not become friends and continue to have disagreements. Yes, we as mature adults really can disagree profoundly on many matters, yet remain tactful, mature, calm, cooperative. We don't have to remain bitter and go around stabbing people in the back. We can and should have open dialog with people we disagree with and even dislike, because DIVERSITY OF THOUGHT make the world go round. It's all a matter of controlling our human emotion.

Now, as to the topic "YT personalities," I can only assume you meant to say "well known" personalities because a lot of people have at least 1 public video on YouTube. Does 1 public video constitute a "personality"? Some people have less than 10 subscribers to their "channel." But when we talk about "YouTubers" or "personalities" we then need to define what constitutes that. Is it 300 subscribers? 1000 subscribers? 5418 subscribers (which is why my channel seems to have as of this writing), 10,000, 30,000, 300,000, or 1 million?

I don't say this to belittle your comment about YouTube at all; and like I said, all such feedback is welcomed here in TinkerDifferent, especially the pointed comments like yours. I trust that our board will welcome your feedback too. It's just a living reality that some folks who founded this site (myself included) happen to have public videos on YouTube.

I realize that the bigger a YT channel becomes, the more demands are placed on the operators of those channels, which I guess could be argued that they have less time to contribute here on this forum, but that's only speculation. Besides, as @3lectr1c said, he discovered this forum only because of a YouTube video, so YouTube content isn't all that bad, I guess.

The way this forum was created was that Mr. F. brought a small group of people together, and those people (myself included) made recommendations to bring in other people who we thought would better diversity our team and make our forum more attractive too. So yeah, some more well known YouTubers were asked because it was thought that would spread the word better. It was a logical decision to make. That decision was understood by everyone, including Mr. F. Eventually, people stopped being added because any more people would have been too many, and those people then became what we know today as Founders. Mr. F. led the group initially, then Mac84 volunteered to lead, and ultimately we had a board vote and Bruce Rayne of Branchus creations was elected President, which is his title today. But through it all, Mr. F. was not king. Steve (Mac84) was not king. And Bruce is not currently king. You see, a "king" is not elected and he (or "she" as a queen) reigns until death. A President is elected for a short duration term, typically with a limit to the number of terms.

I suppose one could say Mac84 is a "YT personality" just like Bruce is, but then again, I would be considered that too. However, my friend Kay Koba also has a YouTube channel, although he doesn't post to it often, despite my ongoing encouragement for him to do so. So long as YouTube obligations doesn't negatively impact an elected board members ability to contribute in an expected way to this forum, I personally don't see an issue with Youtube video creation. Do you? But the matter Mr. F. brought up in his opening post speaks of more specific things about how he expected to be treated in comparison to how he actually was treated. Even so, not everyone in our group of Founders treated Mr. F. badly. I certainly have not sought to do that.

We have a lot of posts here in this forum which don't promote videos or line anyone's pockets. Even on my own YT channel, I have never had Ads switched on, I don't have a Patreon, and while I do accept PayPal donations, you can see how few people contribute because I always mention them by name at the end of every video. And in the greater scheme of things, my 5418 subscribers is a rather small drop in a very large bucket.

I don't know about Mac84, Bruce, etc., but what got me started making "public" videos originally was a selfish motivation that had nothing to do with money. You see, I am very forgetful. My late 2009 iMac had video card issues, and I watched countless YT videos about how people were baking their cards. As an electrical engineer, that rather surprised me and made me skeptical. But since the card doesn't have any electrolytic caps on it, baking it really wouldn't do that much harm at all. So I embarked one day on trying it. I knew I might need to do it again in the future, so I decided to film myself, for the sake of remembering how I did it. But as I started, I thought I shouldn't be so selfish and decided to take a little more care to make a better video so I could switch it to public. I thought it might help others. That video went on to be one of my more successful videos to this day in terms of number of views. It currently has 372,000 views. Compare that with my MacSD video which I spent far, far more time on, which currently has only 2886 views. Some of my other views which I put blood sweat and tears into have just over 2,000 views. I have a lot of what I consider very super high quality videos which have been out for a good while now, but yet which still have less than 1,000 views.

The point here is, I do this to help people as I myself want to be helped. If I lived by the numbers, I'd throw in the towel. It would get depressing, actually. My wife has often said I should quite YouTube altogether because she knows how much time it eats up, yet it offers me only a tiny gain. I tend to operate in the red because I sometimes need to buy a vintage item to do a video on, and prices these days are crazy!

All said, what Mr. F. wrote in his opening post really does transcend the YouTube topic, I think.

Now as to "the keys to the castle," that goes back to "no perpetual kings." Mr. F., myself, and all other founders went into this forum effort knowing that absolute power corrupts absolutely and therefore we need to be governed by democratic elections rather than have one guy at the helm who never leaves. As such, nothing was technically "stolen." Indeed, our Tinker Different logo was voted upon. Many founders submitted their artwork, myself included. We voted and voted and ultimately the logo variations proposed by Mac84 won and are used to this day. We all contributed domain name ideas. Ultimately, we voted and one domain that Mac84 had acquired was chosen. He has kindly donated that domain name to the forum to this day. And yet, this forum is not the single-handed creation of Mac84. He contributed a lot, but so did Mr. F., Bruce and many other founders. All of our early decisions were decided on votes.

Now whether those votes resulted from the popularity of people who pitched ideas is subject to debate, I guess. But the fact is that none of our founders contested any of the votes. All was done decently and in order up to the time of the final board vote and the official release of this forum. I assume things are still decided by vote by the board, but I am not privy to that.

So in light of this, if you make time to re-read what Mr. F. wrote in his opening post, you will see that:
  1. Mr. F. was the single-man who brought a team of people together who democratically established this forum with no perpetual kings. (This is why I continue to recognize him and thank him for that.)
  2. Mr. F. was never made a king and never sought to be a perpetual king.
  3. Mr. F. setup an important framework for this forum to be created, and that framework was largely followed by Founders, including how the Board vote worked last Fall.
  4. Mr. F. thought it would be unethical for him to run for a position on the board because he had created the rules and framework for the elections. (I personally didn't think that should be a cause for him to recuse himself, but he did, and that's okay.)
  5. Mr. F. instead proposed that he become an honorary non-voting board member/chairman in order to be able to provide continued feedback. (That was a decision to be carried out by the board, not by non-elected people. I am a founder and have been allowed by the board to remain an Admin, but I was not elected to the board, and have no say in board meetings, etc.)
  6. Mr. F.'s request to play an ongoing official role was later declined by the board, meaning that Mr. F. has had no say in board matters. This became the source of contention.
  7. Hurt feelings and differences of opinions have led to the current situation where Mr. F. created this thread to explain himself.
It was then that I chimed in, along with the rest of you. And that's pretty much it.

There will be a new board vote coming up. It was understood, prior to the board vote last Fall that people outside the Founders should be allowed to throw their name in the pot to be elected to a board position, to be made Admins, Moderators, etc. Again, we have no perpetual kings. So I remain confident that things will change over time, perhaps for the better at times and perhaps for the worse at other times, as is true in democratic societies.

What I want is a coming together. I want admission of wrongs (privately is fine), willingness to apologize, put emotions on the back burner, and have us all be on friendly terms even if we vehemently disagree on certain matters. We have a lot of brilliant minds in our midst. We need those minds to cooperate and put an end to disagreements, bitterness and strife. I think we can do that if we are all willing. And that's why I've spend so much time on my keyboard typing all this. Ack!

Getting along with others is one of the hardest things to accomplish in this life. But it is our obligation and duty. Let us not shy away from that.

If anyone reading this has a criticism, don't be afraid to speak. You will not be chastised for speaking your mind. But if you also have proposals on how to address problems mentioned, please let that be known too, because those ideas are useful!
I was a writer in a past life so will refrain from that here. Simply put - 1.) Define and establish in plain language, board positions & term limits. 2.) Define and establish in plain language, cyclical limits - if any at all. 3.) Communicate a clear and concise path forward to said elections. That is it.

In regards to Mr. F, the position he described as a board voice without a vote is not uncommon IME in for profit business. Quite often, the about to retire founder of a business for example will step down as CEO/President/Board Chairman etc. and into a unpaid operational role (then onward into retirement) as a lasting reminder of the founding culture of the organization. This individual has no board voting power and is no longer paid, none the less is there to help remind folks of the core values that built, defined and guided the organization in the hopes that it will continue into the future. The first business person that pops into my mind that fits this mold is John Mackey, then CEO and chair of Whole Foods Market.

Conversely, in the cooperative model, there is an intentional line between the operational business unit and a board of elected trustees of the immediate community (often direct customers) who collectively serve the role that Mr. F proposed. They are the collective cultural balance to the operational bean counters managing the bottom line. The Board of Trustees in not directly involved with or manages the day to day operations of said business unit, however the CEO/CFO directly answers to the operational output of the business to the board and in conjunction with HR does play a role in the hiring/firing process of CEO/CFOs who perform poorly.

Both of these are real-world, operational examples illustrating the potential value of Mr. Fs proposed role and examples that show its similarity. Per his typed response, why this was removed, dismissed or ignored, makes no sense to me as the role has the potential for real value. The pre-existing board has a fantastic opportunity here to revisit the intended structure and framework of TD in reevaluating transparency, defined term limits, and Mr. Fs proposed role. The ball is in their court really - completely so at this point. They have control of how this is handled. Real leadership is hard. Address these concerns in earnest and they win. Remain silent on them and they fail. In silence, they show they are no different in any conceivable ideological way from 68kmla - they become exactly what TD was so desperately trying not to be. By managing the listed opportunities; by growing founding TD culture, they win. They finish out their terms and can go back to content creation as heroes of TD and participate in a great site/community.

It is up to them.
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Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
1.) Define and establish in plain language, board positions & term limits.
2.) Define and establish in plain language, cyclical limits - if any at all.
3.) Communicate a clear and concise path forward to said elections.
The pre-existing board has a fantastic opportunity here to revisit the intended structure and framework of TD in reevaluating transparency, defined term limits, and Mr. Fs proposed role. The ball is in their court really - completely so at this point.

Why am I so upbeat and optimistic despite some of the reported craziness? Because I was told by one board member a month ago that there will be a vote. Even if he had not told me that, I would still expect a vote. That's how TD was established. Whether the same folks will run again or be elected again, is something I do not know. Forum members should be allowed to vote and also cast their names into the pot for possible election to the board. That process needs to get started now.

Folks, our democratic process is what separates TinkerDifferent from other popular forums. Sure we have issues getting a few people to suppress their out of control emotions, which in turn prevents forgiveness. But name a place that lacks any personality conflicts! When you discover problems, you simply need to address them.

We have much to be thankful for. We have no perpetual kings! We don't tolerate horrid bullies! We are democratic! We allow free speech within the loose confines of common sense and reason -- and that includes speaking your mind negatively about those running the forum! Our guidelines are not an endlessly-lengthening list of ridiculous Rules Admins & Mods use to beat up forum members!

Even if one contends that elected board members aren't meeting the expectations of most forum members, we need only wait a year and cast votes differently in a new election. Vote out the dysfunctional, vote in the functional. That is truth without any finger of accusation pointed at any board member.

There are still good people on the board with whom Mr. F. has no issues and who have no issues with him.

Another important consideration is that it is easy to chastise those in power, but harder to make the big decisions when you are in power. I say that to prevent this thread from beating too hard on our current board. Yes, there are issues, but I remain confident they will be addressed.

Like the rest of you, I await the formal announcement by the board of the election of seats for our second year in operation. I honestly don't know any of the details at all. I await those details like the rest of you.

Let's continue to restrain emotions and try not to think too badly about people who have made mistakes. We are ALL fallible people. We ALL need to apologize at times, and that's what I've been pressing for. Sometimes you need to say sorry even when you don't perceive yourself as having done any wrong. Any married man knows that! :) You do it to remain humble, keep the peace, and better ensure ongoing happiness.

All of the dialog in this thread must transcend the individual, for the overall good of this forum. This forum in turn exists for the good of our hobby and community. Again, we have a lot of freedoms here that people in other forums don't have. I can freely edit my posts as long as I like and so can you! I am free from bullies, and so are you! (Any bullying that Mr. F. has experienced will be addressed, I assure you.) I am free to express myself in ways here that would generate warning points in other forums, and you also have that same freedom of expression!

The freedoms we enjoy on TD almost makes me tear up when I ponder them. I'm not joking. Freedom is a wonderful thing.

I trust that election announcements be made soon. Forum members should vote, then put this behind us in a spirit of forgiveness. We must then give due respect to the people elected. If they don't perform well during their term in office, there's no need to endlessly groan and complain. Voters can fix any mistakes a year hence in our third election. I suppose we could even have recalls if enough members think that is warranted, but that's perhaps thinking a bit too much into it right now.

Let everything be done decently and in order for the good of the forum and its members!
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