A new suggestion - Spot a Tink!


Senior Tinkerer
Jun 6, 2022
Utah, USA
Hello! :)👋

Tinker Different (TD) is a superb discussion board where synergy, encouragement, and support are prevalent among awesome tinkerers wanting to keep vintage computers running well beyond 2050. I love this! 😍🥰

I wonder if we could have a category where we can post a modification we see elsewhere on the Internet? This "Spot a Tink!" category would be like where we have a catalog of modification ideas for various vintage computers to open our minds to an insane plethora of possibilities. Formatted as an album featuring the picture, where it is from, and the TD member who posted initially displayed in boxes across the screen. When the member (or guest, too, depending on TD's board decision) clicks on that, it will bring up details with a link where it came from and a discussion thread here on TD about that spotted modification idea.

I could implement this on my site, but I realized I am only one individual. Building an album-style database should be done by diverse minds to have better variety as we see and learn from different perspectives to get an idea of what we want our tinker projects to become. I believe TD is an excellent place for that.

Here is an example I was thinking of:

🎯Spot a Tink!🤳

WiFi on SE/30
Flower Power!
DOS Box in Mac SE case
Tink Spotted by: anAw3s0mTINKTink Spotted by: l0v3the70sTink Spotted by: di3h@rdgamTink Spotted by: mult!comput3
Where: 68kMLAWhere: r/VintageAppleWhere: HackadayWhere: PC Weenies
Comment: I wanted to add WiFi capacity to my Mac SE/30 for a while. I thought about using a WiFi adapter. Then, I saw this. Wow! 😍 🥳Comment: I saw that, and I thought it would be neat to paint my Mac Plus in a flowery pattern similar to that with a gloss overlay. That is so pretty! 🤩🌼🌺Comment: It looks like, with modern hardware, it is possible to run a 486 PC in a Mac SE to play DOS games like DOOM. :cool:🎮Comment: I love the look of the clear SE bezel. I saw that set up with a Mac Mini driving an 8" LCD to play movies or TV shows. Star Trek!!! 📺 👀🖖
Tags: #SE/30 #WiFiTags: #iMac #flower #pattern #paintTags: #games #DOS #486 #PCTags: #TV #Mac SE #clear #bezel

Disclaimer: The usernames, comments, and tags are fictional to illustrate this example. It is coincidental if someone has that username, likewise commented, or used the same tags.
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Certificate of Excellence

Active Tinkerer
Nov 1, 2021
United Sates
Years late to this but I think this is a fantastic idea. What we do here is bigger than just TD. Cataloging what we run into elsewhere in one place here makes finding, navigating to, and reading up on cool modifications easier. I would love to see this idea incorporated into Tinker Different.