Allow myself to introduce.... myself


New Tinkerer
Nov 19, 2022
Good CST Morning to you all! MEOW! Today is going to be a happy day for me. I was referred to these forums by very nice members of 68kMLA. My name is Jeff and I am 38 years old. I have loved 68k and early PowerPC macs since i was a child, as that is what my school system used. When I graduated, the PowerMac G4 was the current monster of the day, but I am no stranger to the Quadra 660 A/V, the Macintosh SE / 30, the Macintosh IIfx, and the Quadra 950. Please take note that those are not machines I own, but rather machines that my Elementary school owned back in the day, although, I did end up with the SE / 30 after buying it at an auction. Then my mom threw it away after we were temporarily estranged. I have Asperger's, so please excuse me if I come off as weird. As for vintage computers I currently own:

Macintosh SE
LC II (recapped by a guy in chicago)
Performa 200
PowerMac G4 Gigabit
PowerMac G4 QuickSilver
iMac G3
Mac Mini G4 1.5GHz Silent Upgrade
Turbo XT with 1 Row of RAM Chips. perfectly clean. Useless to me without a hard drive and more ram.

Machines I want to aquire:
Quadra 950
Quadra 840 A/V
Quadra / Centris 650
Macintosh IIfx
Power Mac G5 2.0 Air Cooled
PowerMac G4 MDD 1.42 Dual.
Tandy 1000 TL

I work as the sole and head technician of a failing MSP that the owner refuses to let die. As I am not interested in learning modern skills (PowerShell scripting, automation, modern security practices, etc), I am happy to just allow the owner to keep paying me until its no longer feasible to do so. I have attempted finding jobs at other places and they are either too physical (require me to run cabling, carry PCs, walk all over a large building), or they require skill sets I do not possess. Please do not construe the above to arrive at a determination that I am stupid. I am in fact very smart. I earned my CCNA at 17 years old and got my A+ and MCSE by 19. However, the landscape of computing has unfortunately changed and most of what I learned is now old news. I feel that I already did the learning and studying once and shouldn't have to do it again, hence my position. I'm so much defending it, as I am informing you of it to help you understand the way my brain operates.

I am team iPhone, although I do like to occasionally pick up a used pixel to see what Google has been up to lately. iMessage is what keeps me tethered to the iPhone though. And now with the 14 Pro Max, and the satellite feature, MEOW!

I am a bit of a snob when it comes to buying the base model of something vs the fully decked out model. Its why I like my high end 68ks and in fact, the ONLY reason I picked up an LC II was because I intend to get the APPLE IIE card for it. An LC / Performa would normally not be on my list of things I care about. My mom used to call it having champagne taste on a beer budget. The truth is though, I do not like alcoholic drinks.

I do not have kids, and I do not want kids, though I am married and have been since September 2009. Although i never wanted kids, I do like teaching older kids who are interested in vintage computers or in hardware in general. I seem to be great at teaching teenagers and young adults but terrible at teaching boomer-aged individuals.

Although it may seem I am resistent to learning new things, when it coems to vintage macintosh and Apple II, I am very open to learning. I would love to be able to learn how to re-cap a board or even a power supply. I am just too afraid of a soldering iron.

I hope that I am welcomed here and that I make some friends! Youll notice i say meow a lot and it useually means im happy.
However, I am not a cat.
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Kai Robinson

TinkerDifferent Board President 2023
Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
Worthing, UK
Hi Jeff! Welcome to the asylum! :D

There's plenty of info around here on how to do certain things with older macs - check out the resources section :)