Behold the Power - Apple Power Beyond Speed Trade Show Video - 1995


Nov 2, 2021
Orange County, CA
Hold onto your hairpieces

Video is here >>

Back in the mid 90's my first job out of college involved what was then hyped as the "Multimedia" development revolution. I had the pleasure of meeting various people pivotal in using the Mac and the burgeoning QuickTime technology for the hot CDROM market, including David Barrett, who lead RCOM Studios here in Orange County.

David's own words:
"Back in the 1990s, my firm was actively involved in bringing Apple to digital media. We re-introduced Apple to Siggraph and NAB, among other events (all this pre-Apple Stores), and we delivered CD and media solutions. In 1995, we collaborated on a trade show reel to highlight the media-centric Macintosh solutions of the day - and Apple's involvement in IMSA racing, an arena I was also in at the time. This spot was created entirely in-house, videotaped by my crew, the music authored by Stephen Recker with a bit of assistance from myself - and edited using Premiere on a Mac Tower. Those were the days...
D. Barrett"