Clamshell iBook G3 466mhz G3 screen fades to white shortly after powering on


New Tinkerer
Oct 28, 2021
I recently scored a graphite Clamshell iBook G3 466mhz model that was "untested" for very cheap.
Despite being shipped in a burlap sack stuffed inside a USPS medium flate rate box it arrived perfectly in tact.
And it even worked just fine for the first few hours I had it... until it stopped.

It has somehow developed an issue when shortly after powered on the screen fades to white.
It doesn't matter if it's in the OS, in the boot selection screen, or even target disk mode. Eventually it fades to this solid white screen.

I did manage to catch a memory failure on one bootup when the machine only had the soldered ram. I have yet to see that error pop up again.
Video out through the composite port works just fine, but that wasn't how I planned on using this machine.

Does anyone have any experience with this or any ideas?
I also have an earlier 366mhz SE model, and a later 600mhz G3 "ice" that I could potentially steal their displays for testing since I'm leaning towards a display issue.
That mysterious ram error is always stuck in the back of my mind, but I think that's just a red herring.