Mac II: Battery drainage and intermitten mouse


Apr 13, 2022
I just finished swapping the orginal PSU fan for a Noctua (80mm, 12V DC, ULN) on my original and non-upgraded Macintosh II. When I did a smoke test the computer was dead as a dodo.

The batteries read 2.48V (upper) and 0.87V (lower). I bought this computer from a friend and it was recapped last year with new batteries. The both batteries (Nedio LiSOCl2 1200mAh 3.6V) are made August 2020. The computer booted just fine about a month ago.

Since I only had one CR2032 and battery left in my stash (been working on a lot of SE's lately), so I swapped the lower battery since it had the lowest voltage. The batteries now read 2.20V and 3.26V. The battery I removed read 0.50V out of circuit.

The computer booted just fine (and the fan worked!). However, the mouse would only let me click but not move the cursor. The keyboard seems to have worked just fine. I used this mouse quite a lot and I use it on my daily-driver SE. I swapped around the mouse connector, from keyboard to back of the computer, but it didn't help. After double checking the mouse with my SE, I plugged it into the keyboard again and changed the port on the back of the computer. The computer booted half way into System 6 and it froze. I rebooted and the mouse worked. It now also works when the keyboard is connected to either of the two connectors.

Any suggestions? Flakey ADB chip? The RF shield over the connectors is shorting something out? Loose solder ball? Bad solder joint on the connector?


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Apr 13, 2022
I've replaced the second soldered on battery as well and monitored the battery level over time.

upper ---
lower 3,11 V

upper 3,235 V
lower 3,096 V

upper 3,242 V
lower 3,068 V

Since I installed a second CR2032 holder, the battery drainage seems to have fixed itself.

The mouse issue seems to have gotten worse. Instead of not working for a few minutes and then work normally, it's still non-working for a few minutes but now the mouse only accepts inputs every few seconds. So the mouse experience is quite choppy.

The friend who sold me the computer replaced the ADB chip with one from a bombed SE/30 board I had. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to help. Now the SCSI is also wonky. Needless to say, the board will be sent away for some professional help soon.