MacTest 2.0 for 5126 now on Macintosh Garden


Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
We previously only had the French version of MacTest 2.0 on the Garden. And while I certainly have nothing against that language, it's not my native tongue, so I prodded the gang over on FaceBook and one kind soul whipped it out of his collection and uploaded it today. It's DL#3 here:

Note that earlier versions of MacTest are for the 5120. Version 2.0 is exclusively for the 5126 Backlit model. I ran the full suite of tests on my 5126 this evening, including serial loopback, and it all worked well. My machine passed all tests.

Considering how many problems these Mac Portables can develop thanks to Apple's bad decision to use SMD electrolytic caps rather than tantalum, having a diagnostic software tool like this can really come in handy, letting you know if your recap was enough, or if you still have trace repairs to do.

Note that you will need a standard serial cable to do the SCC serial port tests (loopback). And you will need a blank 800K and 1.44MB floppy to do the floppy drive test.

It only runs on System 6.0.4, but the software comes on a bootable disk image, so you need not worry about that.

If you decide to put System 6.0.4 on your BlueSCSI or MacSD and switch between that and System 7, I strongly recommend you drop this into the System 6 System Folder to avoid those painful Desktop file rebuild progress bars every time you boot into System 7: