#MARCHintosh project: Mac IIci 6-node Hermes II BBS

Byte Knight

Oct 21, 2021
The 90's Mac underground scene is back for the month of March at The Crow's Nest BBS - download the latest Mac releases, read some HackAddict/Happle Mac underground G-Files, browse the message forums, and play some old-school door games all from your vintage Mac!

The Hermes II v3.1.1 BBS software is running on a 40MHz 68040 Carrera-accelerated Mac IIci with a CSI Hurdler II 4-port serial NuBUS card connected to 5 WiModem232's and one dial-up Zoom modem. Why run an older version of Hermes II you might ask? It's all about the door games, and the vast majority of doors I was able to track down won't work with versions of Hermes II 3.5 and above.

So fire up that old Mac and check out the BBS while it's up for the month of March! Nobody has been able to crack or find a working serial number for v3.1.1 so it can only run for the 30 day trial period. Use ZTerm with a wifi/dial-up modem or Black Night with a networked Mac to connect. Telnet to crowsnestbbs.ddns.net ports 6801-6805 or call (612) 886-6348. Hope to see you there!

Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 11.39.50 PM.png IMG_6765.jpg
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Sep 26, 2021
Seattle, WA
I ran a 2-line BBS with Hermes when I was a kid, on a '040 accelerated Mac II. The guy who wrote the Hermes software lived a couple streets from me, so I just walked up and bought my copy directly from him.

Byte Knight

Oct 21, 2021
I ran a 2-line BBS with Hermes when I was a kid, on a '040 accelerated Mac II. The guy who wrote the Hermes software lived a couple streets from me, so I just walked up and bought my copy directly from him.
That's cool! Paying for two phone lines was not cheap back then. Do you still have any of your old BBS software?

Byte Knight

Oct 21, 2021
Unfortunately no, when I went off to college all my old computer stuff magically disappeared. 🫤
Parents turn your room into a den? :D I never played around with Hermes II until recently. Did you have many door games?


Sep 26, 2021
Seattle, WA
Parents turn your room into a den? :D I never played around with Hermes II until recently. Did you have many door games?
Haha I think it's more that my mom hated my hobby and saw her opportunity. 😂

I remember I had a couple door games, but couldn't say which ones.