PG G5 15" DC board issue - L1202 blown


Oct 30, 2021
Fort Mill, SC
I picked up a non-working Powerbook G4, 15" recently that was said to have damage to the power port. When I plug it in, I got a light on the power port, so I was hoping it was something easy, like a bad power supply. Unfortunately. it would still not power on, so I took it apart to make sure the solder joints on the DC connector looked ok. They were fine, but upon close inspection, whatever was installed at L1202 looked to have been blown. When I tried cleaning around it with a q-tip, the component broke off (as the one pad was completely gone).

Any assistance in trying to determine what component should go here and help finding it. I'd like to repair the board if possible and see if the rest of the machine is OK.

Here's a picture of my board after cleaning, scanning to expose some copper, and putting a layer of solder on it:


And here's a picture of a good board:
