SE/30 ROM Clips v2


Active Tinkerer
Oct 18, 2021
Hi everyone! In the past, you may have seen my ROM Clips, which are little plastic parts that are designed to secure your ROM SIMM in your SE/30 or similar machine.


Whether you have a BMOW Mac ROM-inator II that needs a bit of help to seat in the SIMM slot, or if you have a stock ROM with broken SIMM slot clips, these 3D-printed parts can help! This pair or ROM clips is designed to keep your ROM SIMM firmly seated in your Mac without any paperclips or rubber bands. They simply push down into place, firmly clamping the ROM SIMM into the slot in a vertical position. If you need to remove the ROM, they can easily be uninstalled.

@JDW got a set of these clips for his comprehensive ROM SIMM video, and found a couple of problems:

- There was an odd clearance issue on the left side on Type A that we think we've tracked down
- They didn't work with the Kay Koba SMC ROM SIMM, due to the LED on the back

To address these, I've released v2 RC1. Since I currently live in Finland (and all of my vintage Macs are in storage in the US), I can't test these, hence the RC1 status. If you happen to need a set of these clips, and want to give them a test, I'd be eager to hear how they work out for you.

You can find the new ROM Clips on Printables. Thanks!