TinkerTales from the crypt . . .


Apr 1, 2022
Bermuda Triangle, NC USA
Been a while, but I was moving storage boxen out from above where the new carpet needs to go.

PowerBook 190c/Trackball Edition. 18-20 years in progress. In the new world of filament printing, fitment and button making may bring it to the fore. Only regret is that this cannot be done in my 5300ce. The high rise gubbins under there in the 5300 series interfere with the spherical correction by Duo implant.upgrade. Much lower profile crud down there on the 190 board.


This 190cs was the first of many MacAntFarm prospects. I had a really annoying habit of bringing the dead back to life in the back when. Still no Ant Farm, but I do have something in the 100 series bought very DOA. Busted LCD, never even tried to power it up so it's itching to have a clear vacuum formed trackball/button window for its royal chamber.
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