Tweaked ROM-inator PCB (Open Source / Open Hardware Project)


Staff member
Sep 5, 2021
San Francisco
This is an iterative update to the ROM-inator PCB — nothing too fancy, just rounded out a few details to make it easier to assemble and install. You can find the Gerber open hardware link on my GitHub Repo. This project was inspired after watching JDW's Youtube video on the ROM-inator.

rominator-banner.png rominator-back-banner.png

Kay K.M.Mods

Active Tinkerer
Sep 23, 2021
@Stephen @JDW

JDW's Youtube work seems to have energized Vintage Mac users and praises it.
I would like to summarize our story so far. Stephen and I were in contact outside of this topic on another matter.
I talked to him, but I think I'll probably use his PCB from the first badge. He will put in a custom silkscreen for me. You need to check if it works, but it will probably work.

What we did:

・By shifting the positions of the 512K / 128K ROM pins, chassis interference is avoided.
・I especially want to have a low profile, so I'm thinking of using a custom pin made in Japan. The parts will be expensive and the profits will be even thinner, but I don't care
・Rom chips are shipped with BMOW Rom pre-installed. we also have another custom chip with SYSTEM 3.2 installed that allows 128K booting. The user can choose this.
・Steve Chamberlin and I have already talked and have a license to make it possible.