Update to code of conduct


Tinker Different Public Relations Liaison 2023
Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
The board has recently received a request to include "gender identity", "gender expression" and "sex" be added the to anti-discrimination section of the code of conduct.

The excerpt in question currently reads as follows:

  • Treat others fairly regardless of skin tone, ethnicity, citizenship, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, or abilities.

The current omission of "gender identity", "gender expression" and "sex" should in no way be perceived as a snub or discrimination. Our little list is merely a small set of examples designed to illustrate what should be a very simple message:

Treat others fairly regardless of differences.

That's the message, plain and simple.

After discussing the matter at the latest board meeting, we have decided that we shouldn't be singling out anyone. We all have our differences and our motto of "Be excellent to each other!" refers to everyone. For that reason we will be updating that sentence from our code of conduct, to the simpler alternative.

We stand by this code of conduct to ensure that the Tinker Different forum is a psychologically safe place for all. Should anyone feel threatened, discriminated against or bullied, please let one of our moderators or board members know so that the matter can be dealt with as swiftly as possible.