Staff Bio - Steve (Mac84)

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.


Staff member
Sep 4, 2021
New Jersey, USA
First Apple: Apple IIgs
First Mac: Macintosh IIcx
Favorite Mac: Oh boy... the Key Lime Clamshell iBook, G3 MiniTower, and the Macintosh IIcx
Strengths: Finds it difficult to give up, even when all logic dictates this crazy thing won't work!
Weaknesses: Remembering where I just put that one component, cable, or capacitor
Mod Rating: 3.5" out of 5 1/4"

Hello there! I'm Steve and I run the YouTube channel Mac84. You may have seen my videos such as my Macintosh Clone history series or this OpenTalk video where I interviewed our very own Kai Robinson about his amazing projects. I started my YouTube channel as a way to educate others about the Mac (and why it was so awesome) and to provide honest assestments and looks at these machines. I also tend to go live for hours on end without much of a plan which can often turn into a lot of fun.

I've been a Mac dork since before I can remember. I was always fascinated by our family Macintosh IIcx and loved to play games like Reader Rabbit and draw in Easy Color Paint. I'm also a bit of a graphic artist and the Mac has certainly helped me explore that side of me. I grew up and reside in New Jersey here in the US. I'm a tinkerer and often am able to fix things that others give up on. Maybe it's my perseverance, or just luck.

I'm quite frugal and enjoy a good deal and hunts at swap meets and thrift stores. My collection likely includes nearly 200 Apples, but I fear counting them all (although I am currently doing an inventory). I started to help track realistic prices for vintage Apple items. I'm also an archivist and upload everything of importance to and I offer repair / recap services on my website and love tinkering around with my collection of Macs and accessories in my basement. I have an affinity for LaserDiscs, ImageWriters, and Sega consoles. They'll no doubt be my undoing!