Other vintage computers - Spectrum and others

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Sep 23, 2021
North Germany
I think we should open one "Vintage Spectrum" main category as we have already for
  • Vintage Apple
  • Vintage Commodore
  • Vintage Atari
  • Vintage Acorn
  • Vintage Workstations
I would love to discuss those topics here in TinkerDifferent Forum too.
Same as well for more "unknown" vintage computers from the era ('70s, '80s) like ENTERPRISE-128, or other vintage computer, for example from the east european "east block" - ex communist/socialists engineer's work.

If You guys agree, we should extend the above list with:
  • Vintage Spectrum
  • Vintage Other Computers
What do you think?


New Tinkerer
Oct 27, 2021
Just thinking out loud here... might it be worth folding the Vintage Acorn and Vintage Sinclair category into a "Vintage British" category? At least until the demand for separate Sinclair and/or Acorn subforums has been proven. I know there are already forums out there for Sinclair and Acorn that are very active, so I'm not sure how many Sinclair/Acorn buffs will end up here, at least to begin with (although I can tell you there is at least one here, who is delighted that one of the first non-Apple brands to get its own forum category is Acorn :)).

There could also be an "Other Vintage British" category to capture other British machines like the Dragon 32, Amstrad CPC, Oric, Enterprise, MTX etc.

Of course it's still early days, and I love what you've done with the forum so far.
Same as well for more "unknown" vintage computers from the era ('70s, '80s) like ENTERPRISE-128, or other vintage computer, for example from the east european "east block" - ex communist/socialists engineer's work.
I like the idea of geographically based Vintage Computer subforums for machines that may not attract enough posts for their own subforum, e.g.
- USA (TI99/4a, Tandy TRS-80/Coco etc)
- Europe (lots of machines from all over Europe, both Western and Eastern)
- Japan (MSX, Sharp X68000, Sega SC-3000, PC-98 etc)
- Rest of World (i.e. Taiwan, China, Australia, South America etc)
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Kai Robinson

TinkerDifferent Board President 2023
Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
Worthing, UK
Bumped, mainly due to the tumbleweeds forming in the Acorn and Sinclair subforums.

Hey dude - sorry for the delayed response on this. Things like categories are still 'in flux' and are open to being tweaked. I'm the one responsible for the intial layout of the categories, so the blame/praise can land on my head! :D

Initially, my though was this - I wanted a place that was distinct for each platform, so that 'generic 8-bit' wouldn't just get flooded, and people looking for info on a particular machine or issue would be able to go 'Ah, i have an archimedes, i'll post in the Acorn section' - after all, 'If you build it, they will come".

Also, Acorn being overlooked/unknown by a majority of people outside the UK, even though it's impact on the computer industry as a whole is still felt to this day, with the whole inventing ARM thing.

The way *I* personally see it, is that we're only 5 months in, membership is still growing and because we started off with a lot of Apple content, it might not be obvious to people that there ARE other sections on here. It's one of the growing pains we're experiencing - cause to get people in, you need good content. But to have good content, you need people to post, which you can't get, until you have something that draws them in...!

We'd *love* some more content from people involved in non-Apple circles and also content in areas that aren't even computing related, such as the food, cars, home diy sections.

It's certainly something that we've discussed in the board meetings so far.