Is this website be intended to be only a forum for discussion or is it intended to be a forum for discussion as well as a wiki / repository for archiving information / documentation / knowledge / guides?
I am doing a lot of AppleTalk research and as I do that, I would like share what I find, to save the next person time. If there is / could be a wiki style section, many of us could maintain a variety of topics - I would be all over that.
In the way that the Macintosh garden is a repository for software, can this website be a repository for knowledge as well as a discussion forum?
If the answer is yes, how would this be envisioned?
For example, I am thinking of the CapNet document in which the creator pleads for people to repost it so it does not get lost over time... I have found so many dead links to what could be useful documents.
I don't want to condone plagerism, but perhaps a policy of ethically conducted backups of text and documwntation with proper citation.
To Dogcow's point, perhaps a future discussion could be had about how the community can maintain a distributed backup of the knowledge contained within this website.
If I am describing a different website I don't know about yet feel, free to let me know

Awesome job on the site!