Joe's Mac Racks

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Oct 31, 2021
Hey all, i thought I would share my "Mac Racks" and perhaps get a few others to do the same.

The first shot is my main Mac Rack in my home office that serves as a background whenever I am on a Teams conference from home. You can see an SE/30, SE, and a pair of Color Classics on the bottom row, a set of iMac G3's in the middle, and a top row of a Quadra 630, iMac G4, and Centris 650. All are working except the Quadra 630, which will be the target of a future project. Several of these are original machines that I used as daily drivers back in the day.

Next is my front Mac Rack and recent addition to my setup with future expansion capability. This is where I have my working area consisting of a MacBook Pro 2019 for work, a Mac mini 2020 for home, and a BenQ 4K monitor. Above that are a Classic II about which I wrote recently here, another SE/30 about which I also wrote recently, and a future project on the top, an Apple IIe that will be new territory for me.

What does your Mac Rack look like?
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Feb 7, 2022
Currently Duvall, WA
Nice setup. I haven't gone there yet. For a while, had a Mac/Apple II closet, back when I had the 2012 conquest, but am now down to a closet shelf where my C650 is currently residing, while it waits for a replacement eject motor for its floppy drive, and the Mac table, which is where my mid-2010 MBP, B&W G3, IIci, and SE reside. Keyboards for the machines I'm not using are stored on top of their monitors (or on top of the SE), except for the G3, which has a Dell 1908FP LCD connected to it. The stand for that monitor has enough room to slide a M2980 ADK keyboard between it and the monitor itself.

Once we move to our next place, I probably will do the same with a storage rack for those machines I'm not using.

Pics from 2012 of the closet:

][, ][+, Plat IIe, IIc monitor, empty ][+ case, //c monitor, Mac II with its keyboard, a 512K with a Plus board in it, Q660av, bagged 512Ke with 128K bucket on it, a pair of SEs.


Bagged PDM PowerMac 6100 prototype board, backup IIci, IIgs, //c, and yet another ][+.

Bunch of disk ][s, cards, etc on the other side of the closet.


TinkerDifferent Board Vice-President 2023
Staff member
Sep 23, 2021
We just got into our new house and I once again have my own office space which won't be taken over by newborn babies or toddlers.
I wanted to have some of my favorite machines here as well as my favorite Macs, worse yet there's still 12 compact macs in the garage, some quadras and other PC's.

Certificate of Excellence

Active Tinkerer
Nov 1, 2021
United Sates
I don’t have racks but I do have shelves. Here’s mine. This is where I work from when at home so a mash up of work space, music gear, family stuff, photography, vintage computing, retro PC & Cart gaming (bottom left out of frame) and cool 80's toys. Hah, there's 20 computers in this pano - a where's waldo's computers pic mystery.

This garage bench pic has the illusion of tidiness so I’ll use it although it is much more blown up in reality between home & tech projects.

There’s a bit of old beige Macintosh in there but the vast majority is Apple PowerPC & early Intel with some retro x86 and C64 (1st personal computer). I’ve got closet (not shown) shelves with more junk but figured this was enough. I work hard to keep it out of the rest of the house lol.
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New Tinkerer
Oct 28, 2021
Cambridge UK
What's the story behind those IIci's?
Mix and match of cases. A case I bought from someone who was working on a see-through case. The bottom IIci has the bottom of the see-through and the top IIci has the top of it. I can't decide which I prefer. The plexiglass is falling out of the bottom part of it. I only have 1 working IIci logic board.
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Active Tinkerer
Apr 1, 2022
Bermuda Triangle, NC USA
I like to keep mine close at hand in the work areas. These are stacked nicely behind the two sided, tucked under the shelves general purpose workstation.


Front side looks better, now it's a neat lineup of compacts across the front, a couple tucked behind along with a baby Pavilion.



Pics pulled from archive, taken while putting the finishing touches on the rollout setup. Expanded a bit and better now, but all is in flux given the flood in my apartment last year. Down to one room yet to have the landlord finish carpet installation. What a nightmare.

Workstation now behind a nice floor to ceiling Shoji Screen and the Plotter Barn/Entertainment Center/Storage unit (with a few Macs up top) has nice Japanese paneled doors with three sections set up asymmetrically. It rocks, Aunt Mitsuko would have been proud. :)

Then there's my AppleDisplayUnit to consider, it has Towers, Compacts, 'Books, Duos and a Portable sitting under and on it, total's eighteen ATM with a nice selection of peripherals, but as name implies it's a working display, not a rack as such.


Active Tinkerer
Apr 1, 2022
Bermuda Triangle, NC USA
Never thought of that. 🤔 I have a beautiful set of Japanese pull saws for that kind of detailed work.

But it's a rough cut kinda thing, an extension to the wood/plastic/metalworking power tool bench sitting opposite under the two corner windows of my apartment's living room. You can see one of the coiled air hoses in the top pic. That one's not covered up to let the light in. I like the way it looks. Girlfriend thinks we'll need a place with a barn for some reason or other. :oops: