I've been on buyee casually hunting for one for the past few months. I've been waxing on and off and posting my anxious progress on the discord (some here are aware of it) and I finally won one of those! They used to sell for under 10,000 yen, but very recently their numbers have diminished (no idea if it'll pick up again) and most auction finish in the 20,000 - 40,000 range (around $250 USD give or take). Most show no activity on the screen. The rare ones that do tend to finish above $400, which is all fine and dandy compared to North American prices, but the broker fees (buyee) + local shipping (from the Japanese vendor to buyee) + intnl shipping (from Japan to you) absolutely slay you - you have to be prepared!
I won mine for 12,500 yen (full disclosure) and it can be found here: https://buyee.jp/item/yahoo/auction/s1049075628
Here are some choice pics, it looks good outside. It's all a big risk as there's no pic inside, no activity shown on screen.
there's someone in my province offering a LC575, a LCII and a IBM 8525 (PS2 line) free, or it's e-waste time. So Mystic upgrade lined up? It enters the realm of possibilities! Many people local to me are interested by the IBM, but no one (including me) is interesting by the 8 hour round trip to his remote location. For funsies, I calculated what the trip would entail with my EV:
11h17m round trip, including 2h25 spent waiting on 5 charging sessions

For those who'd tell me "ROAD TRIP", I just can't. I'm at the end of a semester (grading nonstop and feeling behind nonstop) and I have 2 young kids, I can't go AWOL for a whole day like that. If it's not claimed before it goes to e-waste, there was some opening to ship the board only, but no firm commitment was made.
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